HTTP API Overview The HTTP API provides chat services by communicating with the API server via HTTP. It is mainly composed of Channel API and User API .
The main features of the channel API and user API are as follows.
Channel API Get all channel list API Channel retrieval API Channel participant retrieval API Channel creation API Channel deletion API Channel entry API Channel exit API Announcement message sending API User API User token issuance API User participating channel retrieval API User block list retrieval API User block API User unblock API This provides basic information that you need to know when using the HTTP API.
Preparation To use the HTTP API, you need to prepare the following items.
Hive Certification Key: Authentication token for API calls Can be found in Hive Console > App Center > Project Management > Game Details > Basic Information Game Index: The index of the game created in Hive Console > App Center > Project Management Channel type The channel types used when sending HTTP API are as follows.
Type Description PUBLIC
A channel that anyone can enter PRIVATE
A channel that can be entered by entering a password GROUP
A channel that only specific users can participate in (e.g., guild channel)
Request URL Server URL LIVE
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y Content-Type Type of the request data (application/json
) string Y
Response code HTTP Status Code Code Message Description 200 0 Success. Success 400 100 Bad request. Bad request 401 101 Invalid token. Invalid token 403 102 Forbidden. Forbidden 404 103 Not found. Not found 405 104 Method not allowed. Method not allowed 500 105 Internal server error. Internal server error
Detailed error codes (400, 403) HTTP Status Code Code Message Description 400 200 Duplicate channel ID. Duplicate channel ID 201 Channel not found or deleted. Channel not found or deleted 202 Channel is full. Channel is full, cannot enter due to exceeding participant limit 203 Invalid channel password. Invalid channel password 204 Message size exceeded. The maximum size is 200. Message size exceeded (maximum 200 characters) 300 User not in session. User is not in session (not connected to the Socket server) 301 User not in the channel. User is not in the channel 302 User is already in the channel. User is already in the channel 303 User already blocked. User is already blocked 304 Block list is full. The maximum size is 100. Block list is full (maximum 100 people) 305 User not in block list. User is not in the block list 306 User is blocked. User is blocked 307 The maximum number of channels a user can enter is 10. Exceeded the number of channels a user can enter (limit of 10) 403 308 User is not the owner of the channel. User is not the owner of the channel
Channel API features This explains the API requests and responses for each function of the channel API used in the chat service, along with example code.
Retrieve all channel list Retrieving the list of currently created channels.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channels
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Query parameters Field Name Description Type Required type Channel type (PRIVATE
) string N channelId Retrieve channels starting with a specific channel ID string N channelName Retrieve channels containing a specific channel name string N sort Sorting criteria (channelId
, channelName
, regTime
) (default regTime
) string N order Sorting method (ASC
) (default DESC
) string N size Number of channels to retrieve per page (minimum 10 ~ maximum 100, default 10) integer N page Page number to retrieve (starts from 1, default 1) integer N
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response code integer message Result message string data Response data object
Response body > data Field Name Description Type content Channel List array page Page Info object
Response body > data > content Field Name Description Type channelId Channel ID string type Channel type (PRIVATE
) string gameIndex Hive game index integer owner Hive player ID of the channel owner string channelName Channel name string memberCount Current number of channel participants integer maxMemberCount Maximum number of channel participants integer regTime Channel creation date and time (based on UTC+0
, format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
) string regTimeMillis Channel creation date and time (UnixTimestamp Millisecond) integer
Response body > data > page Field Name Description Type size Number of items per page integer currentPage Current page number integer totalElements Total number of items integer totalPages Total number of pages integer
Request sample curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success." ,
"data" : {
"content" : [
"channelId" : "open:12345" ,
"type" : "PUBLIC" ,
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"owner" : "1000" ,
"channelName" : "오픈 채팅방" ,
"memberCount" : 2 ,
"maxMemberCount" : 50 ,
"regTime" : "2024-12-30T15:01:01.004Z" ,
"regTimeMillis" : 1731306364351
/// ... 채널 정보
"page" : {
"size" : 10 ,
"currentPage" : 1 ,
"totalElements" : 100 ,
"totalPages" : 10
Channel lookup Retrieving detailed information for a specific channel.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channels/{channelId}
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y channelId Channel ID to query string Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string data Response data object
Response body > data Field Name Description Type info Channel Info object members Participant List array
Response body > data > info Field Name Description Type channelId Channel ID string type Channel type (PRIVATE
) string gameIndex Hive game index integer owner Channel owner string channelName Channel name string memberCount Current number of channel participants integer maxMemberCount Maximum number of channel participants integer regTime Channel creation date and time (based on UTC+0
, format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
) string regTimeMillis Channel creation date and time (UnixTimestamp Millisecond) integer
Response body > data > members Field Name Description Type playerId Hive Player ID long extraData Additional data (UTF-8
based) (Maximum 256 Byte) string connectedTime Connection date and time (UTC+0
based, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
format) string connectedTimeMillis Connection time (UnixTimestamp Millisecond) integer
Request sample curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success." ,
"data" : {
"info" : {
"channelId" : "open:12345" ,
"type" : "PUBLIC" ,
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"owner" : "SYSTEM" ,
"channelName" : "오픈채팅방" ,
"memberCount" : 2 ,
"maxMemberCount" : 50 ,
"regTime" : "2024-12-30T15:01:01.004Z" ,
"regTimeMillis" : 1731306364351
"members" : [
"playerId" : 1 ,
"extraData" : null ,
"connectedTime" : "2024-11-25T06:22:06.604Z" ,
"connectedTimeMillis" : 1739328218507
"playerId" : 2 ,
"extraData" : null ,
"connectedTime" : "2024-11-25T06:22:16.233Z" ,
"connectedTimeMillis" : 1731306364351
Channel participants query Retrieving participant information for a specific channel.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channels/{channelId}/members
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y channelId Channel ID to query string Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string data Response data object
Response body > data Field Name Description Type members List of channel participants array
Response body > data > members Field Name Description Type playerId Hive Player ID long extraData Additional data (UTF-8
based) (Maximum 256 Byte) string connectedTime Connection date and time (UTC+0
based, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
format) string connectedTimeMillis Connection time (UnixTimestamp Millisecond) integer
Request sample curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success." ,
"data" : {
"members" : [
"playerId" : 1 ,
"extraData" : null ,
"connectedTime" : "2024-11-25T06:22:06.604Z" ,
"connectedTimeMillis" : 1739328218507
"playerId" : 2 ,
"extraData" : null ,
"connectedTime" : "2024-11-25T06:22:16.233Z" ,
"connectedTimeMillis" : 1731306364351
Create channel Creating a new conversation channel.
If the playerId exists, the user will be allowed to enter the channel. If there is no playerId, the owner will be SYSTEM
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channel
CONTENT-TYPE application/json
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y Content-Type Type of the request data (application/json
) string Y
Request body This is the transmission data required when requesting to create a channel.
Field Name Description Type Required channelId Channel ID (English letters, numbers, and some special characters (-
, .
, _
, ~
, :
) allowed, up to 100 characters) string Y playerId Player ID of the channel creator's Hive long N password Password (required for PRIVATE
channels) (up to 50 characters) string N channelName Channel name (up to 50 characters) string Y maxMemberCount Maximum number of channel participants (minimum 2 to maximum 5,000) integer Y type Channel type (PRIVATE
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string
Request sample curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"channelId": "open:12345",
"playerId": 1000,
"channelName": "오픈 채팅방",
"maxMemberCount": 100,
"type": "PUBLIC"
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."
Delete channel Deleting a specific channel.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channels/{channelId}
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y channelId Channel ID to delete string Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response code integer message Result message string
Request sample curl --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."
Enter channel Entering users into the existing channel.
The maximum number of channels that a user can enter is 10.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channels/{channelId}/enter
CONTENT-TYPE application/json
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y channelId Channel ID string Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y Content-Type Type of the request data (application/json
) string Y
Request body This is the transmission data required when requesting to enter the channel.
Field Name Description Type Required playerId Player ID of the user to be admitted Hive long Y password Password (required for PRIVATE
channels) string N
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string
Request sample curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"playerId": 1001,
"password": "guildPass123"
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."
Channel exit Removing users from the channel. The channel will remain even if the channel owner leaves.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/channels/{channelId}/exit
CONTENT-TYPE application/json
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y channelId Channel ID string Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y Content-Type Type of the request data (application/json
) string Y
Request body This is the transmission data required when requesting to exit the channel.
Field Name Description Type Required playerId Player ID of the user to be removed Hive long Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string
Request sample curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJIaXZlIiwiaWF0IjoxNzAyNDU4MTkzLCJqdGkiOiIxMzY2NDk4MjcxIn0.VSwvsTE-tS0sL_e9p9gNvHRkMCbsycSO4ObE4J2ysjs' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"playerId": 1001
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."
Notice message sending Sends announcement messages to a specific channel or all channels in the game. If the channelId parameter is not provided, the announcement message will be delivered to all channels created for the corresponding gameIndex.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/notice
CONTENT-TYPE application/json
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y Content-Type Type of the request data (application/json
) string Y
Request body This is the transmission data required when requesting to send a notification message.
Field Name Description Type Required channelId The channel ID to send the message to (if channelId
is not provided, it will be sent to all channels) string N message The content of the announcement message to be sent string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Description result message string
Request sample curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"channelId": "open:12345",
"message": "서버 점검이 있습니다. 잠시 후 다시 접속해 주세요."
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."
User API features This explains the API requests and responses for user APIs used in the chat service, along with example code.
User token issuance Issuing an authentication token for connecting to the socket server.
Connect to the Socket server address returned through the issued token.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/users/{playerId}/token
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y playerId Hive Player ID long Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string data Response data object
Response body > data Field Name Description Type gameIndex Hive game index integer socketAddress Socket server address string token Issued token string
Request sample curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success." ,
"data" : {
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"socketAddress" : "wss://" ,
"token" : "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg"
User participation channel inquiry Retrieves the list of channels the user is participating in.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/users/{playerId}/channels
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index integer Y playerId Hive Player ID long Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string data Response data object
Response body > data Field Name Description Type gameIndex Hive Game Index integer playerId Hive Player ID long channels List of Channels array
Response body > data > channels Field Name Description Type channelId Channel ID string type Channel type (PRIVATE
) string gameIndex Hive game index integer owner Channel owner string channelName Channel name string memberCount Current number of channel participants integer maxMemberCount Maximum number of channel participants integer regTime Channel creation date and time (based on UTC+0
, format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
) string regTimeMillis Channel creation date and time (UnixTimestamp Millisecond) integer
Request sample curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success." ,
"data" : {
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"playerId" : 1001 ,
"channels" : [
"channelId" : "guild:12345" ,
"type" : "GROUP" ,
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"owner" : "1000" ,
"channelName" : "길드 채팅방" ,
"memberCount" : 1 ,
"maxMemberCount" : 50 ,
"regTime" : "2023-12-19T15:01:01.004Z" ,
"regTimeMillis" : 1731306364351
"channelId" : "open:67890" ,
"type" : "PUBLIC" ,
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"owner" : "SYSTEM" ,
"channelName" : "오픈 채팅방" ,
"memberCount" : 2 ,
"maxMemberCount" : 100 ,
"regTime" : "2023-12-20T10:15:30.123Z" ,
"regTimeMillis" : 1731302348750
// ... 채널
User block list retrieval Retrieving the list of users blocked by the user.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/users/{playerId}/blocks
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index string Y playerId Hive Player ID long Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string data Response data object
Response body > data Field Name Description Type gameIndex Hive game index integer playerId Hive player ID long blockedUsers Blocked list array
Response body > data > blockedusers Field Name Description Type blockedPlayerId Player ID of the blocked user Hive long blockedTime Time of blocking (based on UTC+0
, format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ
) string blockedTimeMillis Time of blocking (Unix Timestamp Millisecond) integer
Request sample curl --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success." ,
"data" : {
"gameIndex" : 1 ,
"playerId" : 1001 ,
"blockedUsers" : [
"blockedPlayerId" : 1002 ,
"blockedTime" : "2023-12-20T10:15:30.123Z" ,
"blockedTimeMillis" : 1739329550811
"blockedPlayerId" : 1003 ,
"blockedTime" : "2023-12-21T08:45:12.456Z" ,
"blockedTimeMillis" : 1739329553137
// ... 차단 목록
User block The user blocks a specific user.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/users/{playerId}/block/{blockPlayerId}
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive Game Index string Y playerId Hive Player ID long Y blockPlayerId Block Hive Player ID long Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string
Request sample curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."
Unblock user The user unblocks a specific user.
Request URL Server URL LIVE{gameIndex}/users/{playerId}/block/{blockedPlayerId}
Path parameters Field Name Description Type Required gameIndex Hive game index string Y playerId Hive player ID long Y blockedPlayerId Unblock Hive player ID long Y
Field Name Description Type Required Authorization Authentication token for API calls (Bearer
) string Y
Response body Field Name Description Type code Response result code integer message Result message string
Request sample curl --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnYW1lSW5kZXgiOjEsInBsYXllcklkIjoxLCJpYXQiOjE3MzI1MTcyMzUsImV4cCI6MTczMjUyMDgzNX0.lm5eFqEuSPjsKZUItpTQvFy_2oWrMMJ_J0MPH9VFtNg'
Response sample {
"code" : 0 ,
"message" : "Success."