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Automatic translation API

The automatic translation API is an API that allows you to easily set the translation type and translator. It supports both real-time synchronous translation and asynchronous translation, providing a flexible translation environment.

The types of automatic translation APIs can be broadly categorized into synchronous translation APIs that allow real-time translation and asynchronous translation request APIs and asynchronous translation result checking APIs that do not allow real-time translation.


Supported text formats

The text formats supported by the synchronous translation API and the asynchronous translation API are as follows.

  • Synchronous Translation API: Supports plain text and HTML format
  • Asynchronous Translation API: Supports Markdown format

Project matching method

The automatic translation API provides two ways to match translation services for each game project registered in the app center.

  • Automatic translation service and 1:1 matching: Register the services used for each project
  • When calling a single automatic translation service, enter the project ID for matching: Add each project ID to the API call

Translation supported languages

The translation languages supported by Hive are a total of 16, as listed below.

Language Language Notation Hive Language Code
Korean 한국어 ko
English English en
Japanese 日本語 ja
Simplified Chinese 简体中文 zh-hans
Traditional Chinese 繁體中文 zh-hant
French Français fr
German Deutsch de
Russian русский ru
Spanish Español es
Portuguese Português pt
Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia id
Vietnamese tiếng Việt vi
Thai ไทย th
Italian Italiano it
Turkish Türkçe tr
Arabic العربية ar


The prerequisites for using the automatic translation API are as follows.

1. Check service key and secret key

  1. Hive Console > AI Services > Automatic Translation > Automatic Translation System > Service Management to register the service.
  2. Check the service key and secret key for the product.

2. Signature verification

The API server generates a Signature using the service key and secret key.

Select key management in the Hive console > AI services > Automatic translation > Automatic translation system > Service management to check the generated signature. An example of the generated signature code is as follows.

  • The signature is the Base64 value encoded with HmacSHA256 using the service key and secret key.
import hmac
import hashlib
import base64

service_key = "your_service_key"
secret_key = "your_secret_key"

# Using hmac sha-256
signature_bytes ='utf-8'), service_key.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()
signature = base64.b64encode(signature_bytes).decode('utf-8')

# Add signature to HTTP request
# ...
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
String serviceKey = "your_service_key";
String secretKey = "your_secret_key";

// Using HMAC SHA-256
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), "HmacSHA256");

// Signature generation
byte[] signatureBytes = sha256_HMAC.doFinal(serviceKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
String signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(signatureBytes);

// Add signature to HTTP request
// ...

Sync translation API

Processes translation requests and results in real-time synchronous mode with a single API request and response. Since the translation result is provided directly in the API response, there is no API available to check the translation result.

This is a synchronous translation text type that supports plain text and HTML text formats that do not require pre/post-processing.

Request URL

LIVE URL{project_id}
Content-Type application/json
Data Format JSON

Request path

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
project_id App Center Project ID String N 1. If there is a value: Aggregate by project ID 2. When there is no value: Aggregate as "None" com.com2us.project1

Request header

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
Signature Signature value for authentication String Y Value encoded with HmacSHA256 using the secret key of the service key IWusOMIBN8D/0HqgZ7/58e4rgS05E+nka3Ya9vc+yiY=

Request body

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
info Service key information object Object Y
info > service_key Service key value String Y 802890479467404e
info > meta_data Values that are not aggregated in the automatic translation service but are stored in logs Object N When converting to JSON Object String, within 1kb {“game” : “MLB”} or [{“key1”:“blabla”}]
text Translation request content String Y ※ String Json escape required “ \”Inquiry about the registration procedure\”
from Translation request language String Y Language code corresponding to “text” Translation support languages and Hive language codes reference ※ Entering “auto” will automatically detect (lowercase) 1. (Automatic detection) “auto” 2. (Korean) “ko”
to Translation response language String Y Multiple languages can be requested by separating with “,” Translation support languages and Hive language codes reference 1. (Single language translation) “en” 2. (Multi-language translation)“en, fr, de"


Field Name Description Type Details Example
result Result value Object
result > code Result code Integer Refer to Response Code '200' on success
result > msg Result message String Refer to Response Code 'Success' on success
content Translation result Object
content > data > translateMsg Array of translation values Array
content > data > translateMsg > detectedLanguage Value related to input language Object ※ Exists if "Translation request language (from)" is "auto"
content > data > translateMsg > detectedLanguage > language Detected value of input language String Refer to supported translation languages and Hive language codes
content > data > translateMsg > detectedLanguage > score Input language detection score (the closer to 1, the more accurate) Number (Float) 1.0
content > data > translateMsg > translations Array of translated texts Array Displayed as an array by language
content > data > translateMsg > translations > text Translated text String Json escaped string Inquiries about the \"Registration\" process
content > data > translateMsg > translations > to Translation language country code String "en"

Response code

Code Text Remarks
200 "success" Success
400 <> is Missing or Incorrect request Failure * Missing request parameter or Failure * Unable to parse (JSON error)
401 Wrong Signature Failure * Signature key issue
404 Unregistered app key Failure * Unregistered service key
404 Unregistered job uuid Failure * Unregistered job uuid
500 Internal Server Error (or Some message) Failure * Internal server error

Request example

    curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Signature: IWusOMIBN8D/0HqgZ7/58e4rgS05E+nka3Ya9vc+yiY=' \
    --data '{
        "text":"Request for the procedure for creating a server account application and managing multilingual content",
        "from" : "ko"
    import requests

    url = ""

    payload = {
            "info": {"service_key": "802890479467404e"},
            "text": "Inquiry about the multilingual content management process for server account application and account creation",
            "to": "en,fr,de",
            "from": "ko"
    headers = {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Signature": "IWusOMIBN8D/0HqgZ7/58e4rgS05E+nka3Ya9vc+yiY="

    response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

    OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

    MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
    RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n    \"info\":{\n        \"service_key\":\"802890479467404e\"\n    },\n    \"text\":\"Server account application account creation multilingual content management procedure inquiry\",\n    \"to\":\"en,fr,de\",\n    \"from\" : \"ko\"\n}");
    Request request = new Request.Builder()
        .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .addHeader("Signature", "IWusOMIBN8D/0HqgZ7/58e4rgS05E+nka3Ya9vc+yiY=")

    Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

Response example

    "result" : {
    "code" : 200,
    "msg" : "Success"  
    "content" : {
        "data" : {
                        "text":"Server Account Application Create an account Inquiries about the multilingual content management process",
                        "text":"Demande de compte serveur Créer un compte Demandes de renseignements sur le processus de gestion de contenu multilingue",
                    "text":"Server-Konto-Anwendung Konto erstellen Anfragen zum mehrsprachigen Content-Management-Prozess",

Asynchronous translation request API

The asynchronous translation API processes translation requests and responses separately through two APIs. There are two main APIs: the 'Asynchronous Translation Request API' for requests and the 'Asynchronous Translation Result Check API' for responses.

This is a translation text type for the body, supporting markdown text format that requires pre/post-processing.

Request URL

LIVE URL{project_id}
Content-Type application/json
Data Format JSON

Request path

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
project_id App Center Project ID String Y 1. When there is a value: Aggregate by project ID 2. When there is no value: Aggregate as "None" com.com2us.project1

Request header

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
Signature Signature value for authentication String Y Value encoded with HmacSHA256 using the secret key of the service key pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c=

Request body

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
info Service key information object Object Y
info > service_key Service key value String Y 802890479467404e
info > meta_data Value that is not aggregated in the automatic translation service but is saved in logs Object N When converting to JSON Object String, within 1kb {“game” : “MLB”} or [{“key1”:“blabla”}]
text Content of the translation request String Y ※ String JSON escape required “ \”Inquiry about the registration procedure”
from Language of the translation request String Y Language code corresponding to “text” Translation support languages and Hive language codes reference ※ Async translation does not support automatic language detection for the translation request content.
to Translation response language String Y Multiple language requests are possible by separating with a “,” Translation support languages and Hive language code reference 1. (Single language translation) “en” 2. (Multilingual Translation) “en, fr, de"


Field Name Description Type Details Example
result Result value Object
result > code Result code Integer Refer to Response Code '200' on success
result > msg Result message String Refer to Response Code 'Success' on success
content Translation result value Object
content > uuid Translation result ID String UUID4 format ID ID for checking translation status 62fe5786-0bb8-4cd0-b51a-6d6f6bfe2bac
content > resultUrl URL for checking translation status String /api/translate/async/result/{uuid} is

Response code

Code Text Remarks
200 "success" Success
400 <> is Missing or Incorrect request Failure * Missing request parameter or Failure * Parsing impossible (JSON error)
401 Wrong Signature Failure * Signature key abnormal
404 Unregistered app key Failure * Unregistered service key
404 Unregistered job uuid Failure * Unregistered job uuid
500 Internal Server Error (or Some message) Failure * Internal server error

Request example

    curl --request POST \
    --url \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Signature: pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c=' \
    --data '{
        "text":"# Markdown cheat sheet ......",
    import requests

    url = ""

    payload = {
            "info": {"service_key": "815e3d8d6e7443ba"},
            "text": "# Markdown cheat sheet ......",
            "to": "ko,ja,zh-hant",
            "from": "en"
    headers = {
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
            "Signature": "pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c="

    response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

    OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

    MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
    RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\n    \"info\":{\n        \"service_key\":\"815e3d8d6e7443ba\"\n    },\n\t\"text\":\"# Markdown cheat sheet
    ......\",\n    \"to\":\"ko,ja,zh-hant\",\n\t\t\"from\":\"en\"\n}\n");
    Request request = new Request.Builder()
        .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .addHeader("Signature", "pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c=")

    Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

Response example

    "result": {
        "code": 200,
        "msg": "Success"
    "content": {
        "uuid": "d2a36ba1-1bb3-43aa-ac57-46576d27eb37",
        "resultUrl": ""

Asynchronous translation result check API

The Asynchronous Translation Result Check API returns the translation results for asynchronous translation requests. In other words, it is the API corresponding to the response among asynchronous APIs that handle requests and responses separately.

Request URL

LIVE URL{uuid}

Request path

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
uuid Translation result ID, status response value for asynchronous translation requests String Y Can be checked from creation to ~Nday 5c8ded49-9ee2-412a-a0ab-a4018a0dc093

Request header

Field Name Description Type Required Details Example
Signature Signature value for authentication String Y Value encoded with HmacSHA256 using the secret key of the service key pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c=


Field Name Description Type Details Example
result Array of results Object
result > code Result code Integer Refer to Response Code '200' on success
result > msg Result message String Refer to Response Code 'Success' on success
content Translation result Object
content Translation result Object
content > status Translation status value Object Translation status information
content > status > code Translation status code Integer 100 / 101 / 102 / 199
content > status > msg Translation status message String “completed(100)”/ “waiting(101)” / “processing(102)” / “failed(199)”
content > data Translation result value Object ※ If the result>status>msg value is “waiting” / “processing” / “failed” there will be no field, only exists when “completed”
content > data > translateMsg Array of translation values Array
content > data > translateMsg > translations Array of translation texts Array Displayed as an array by language
content > data > translateMsg > translations > text Translation text String Json escaped string Inquiries about the \"Registration\" process
content > data > translateMsg > translations > to Translation language country code String "en"

Response code

Code Text Remarks
200 "success" Success
400 <> is Missing or Incorrect request Failure * Missing request parameter or Failure * Parsing impossible (JSON error)
401 Wrong Signature Failure * Signature key abnormal
404 Unregistered app key Failure * Unregistered service key
404 Unregistered job uuid Failure * Unregistered job uuid
500 Internal Server Error (or Some message) Failure * Internal server error

Request example

    curl --request GET 
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 
    --header 'Signature: pczeZ91NijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c='
import requests

url = ""

headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Signature": "pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c="

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

Request request = new Request.Builder()
    .addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
    .addHeader("Signature", "pczeZ91N/ijDBZ80ktNdTDPhnmEK98a3AIsTui46o9c=")

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

Response example

    "result": {
            "code": 200,
            "msg": "Success"
    "content": {
            "status": {
                    "code": 100,
                    "msg": "completed"
            "data": {
                    "translateMsg": [
                                    "translations": [
                                                    "text": "# Markdown 치트 시트\r\n\r\n......",
                                                    "to": "ko"
                                                    "text": "# Markdownチートシート\r\n\r\n......",
                                                    "to": "ja"
                                                    "text": "# Markdown 備忘單\r\n\r\n......",
                                                    "to": "zh-hant"