File download log
This page comprises the logs about retrieving downloaded CDN file, downloading speed, success/failure condition, and version. You can see the downloading speed which users actually experience by file download log, and the value of client_ip, begin_date, end_date, being_pos, end_pos field in log is available to check the downloading speed and success/failure condition by region and time.
Client sends the result of file downloads to game server, and then the game server delivers the log to Scribe. Make sure to share Back-end Statistic to access easily.
Common Server | service_metrics-file_download_log |
Test Server | service_metrics_test-file_download_log |
Log specification¶
The snake-cased field, like server_id
, is transformed to camel case, like serverId
, when it stores in the final storage (BigQuery), and the log sent in the unspecified form, such as serverid
, is not saved in its column.
Field Name | Description | Type | Required |
date | The time storing log, Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh e.g., 2012-01-19 16:24:00 | string | Y |
channel | Login channel C2S: HIVE KAK: Kakao Talk LIN: LINE WEI: Weibo STE: Steam | string (3) | Y |
channel_uid | User identifier on login channel (Generally bigint is in use, but some channels may use string type) Send 0 if the information is unknown such as LINE | string (64) | Y |
game | Use the brand name of game (e.g., derbydays). The third item of app_id e.g., => littlelegends | string (50) | Y |
server_id | Server code Refer to Table of Server Code to input server code (JSON Enter Code) | string | Y |
server_uid | User identifier used in game server (replaces game_uid) User identifier is unknown if user does not sign in, so set the identifier as 0 | bigint | Y |
did | Device ID which Hive SDK uses | bigint | Y |
app_id | AppID which Hive SDK uses by game e.g., '' | string (200) | Y |
app_ver | App version e.g., 1.1.1 | string | Y |
url | The URL of downloaded file | string | Y |
size | The size of downloaded file. Unit: Byte | int | Y |
resume_cnt | This value means how many times you resume file downloads after the first downloads at the time of generating this log e.g., This value is 0 when downloading files for the first time | tinyint | Y |
begin_pos | Starting location of file downloads at the time of generating this log e.g., This value is 0 when downloading files for the first time or resuming files This value is non-zero when you continue to download files | int | Y |
end_pos | Ending location of file downloads at the time of generating this log | int | Y |
begin_date | Starting time of file downloads at the time of generating this log Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh e.g., 2017-01-04 01:23:32 | string | Y |
end_date | Ending time of file downloads at the time of generating this log Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh e.g., 2017-01-04 01:23:32 | string | Y |
timezone | UTC offset of time parameter in the log (no space) e.g., "UTC+10:30" | string | Y |
connection_type | Wireless connection type on user device 1: Wi-Fi, 2: 3G/LTE | int | Y |
client_ip | Client IP. This value extracts the value of country from GeoIP | string (32) | Y |
server_ip | Server IP | string (32) | Y |
company | Game publishing company, the target of log: e.g., "C2S": Com2uS, "GVI": Com2uS Holdings | string (3) | Y |
Log sample¶
"date": "2014-07-11 10:30:24",
"channel": "C2S",
"channel_uid": 90027477600,
"game": "acefishing",
"server_id": 0,
"app_id": "",
"url": "",
"size": 7864,
"resume_cnt": 0,
"begin_pos": 0,
"end_pos": 7864,
"begin_date": "2014-07-11 09:30:24",
"end_date": "2014-07-11 09:30:25",
"connection_type": 1,
"server_ip": "",
"client_ip": "",
"company": "C2S"