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Profile API Sync

Please set the API according to the community profile type in the profile API integration menu.

  • When using only community profile, register Basic profile image API
  • When linking a game profile, register Game Profile API

Default Profile Image

Profile image APIs are used to change the default community profile image.

  • The API retrieves information and updates occur at 02:00 (KST) via a batch program (applies to both production and sandbox environments).
  • The size must be at least 160 x 160px, and corner rounding and border outlines are applied by default, so please create images in a square ratio.

Request URL

Commercial URL https://${URL}/profile/get-image-list
Test URL https://${URL}/profile/get-image-list

Request BODY

+ type : post
+ Parameters
    - No Parameters

Response BODY

+ type : json
+ Parameters
Name Description TYPE Value
result Result JSON Object
result.code Result Code (100 : Success) Integer 100
result.msg Result Message String
params Parameter JSON Object Number of Lists int 10
params.list List(Images URL) String Away \["","" ... \]

Return Code

+ 100 \- SUCCESS \- Success (Please ensure that success is always indicated with a 100.)

Response Sample

    "result": {
        "code": 100,
        "msg": "success"
        "total": 10,

Game Profile API

Administrators can configure the API so that users have the same profile in both the community and the game.

  • The game profile is updated when the user logs into the community.

Request URL

Commercial URL https://${URL}/profile/get-player
Test URL https://${URL}/profile/get-player

Request Body

+ type : post
+ Parameters
Field Name Description Type Required
pid User's PlayerID string Y


    "pid" : "20000010000"

Response Body

+ type : json
+ Parameters
Name Description Type Value
result Result JSON Obejct
result.code Result Code (100: Success) Integer 100
result.msg Result Message String
params Parameters JSON Obejct User's PlayerID String 20000010000
params.nickname User's Nickname String Tom
params.p_image User's Profile Image URL String

Return Code

+ 100 - SUCCESS - Success(Please ensure that success is always indicated with a 100.)
+ 101 - INVALID_REQUEST - When the required key value is missing
+ 102 - NOT_EXIST_USER - When the user does not exist

Response Sample

    "result": {
        "code": 100,
        "msg": "success"
    "params": {
        "pid": "20000010000",
        "nickname": "Tom",
        "p_image": ""