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Item distribution API

The product delivery API retrieves information about users who have purchased products from the web store.


  • To use the product distribution API, select the target for product distribution from the console menu as follows:
    • Community & Web Store > Web Store > Web Store Settings > Product Distribution
  • Register the API created according to the method of product distribution.


Please refer to the Request Example below for the method of creating an API according to the product delivery method.

Game server and channel, character list inquiry

This retrieves the list of game servers eligible for item distribution, along with the channels and character lists included in the servers.

Request URL

Environment URL
Production https://{URL}/webstore-profile
Sandbox https://{URL}/webstore-profile
Testing https://{URL}/webstore-profile

Request header

Type Value
Http Method POST
Content-Type application/json

Request parameters

Field Type Required Description
cs_code String O User unique identifier

Request sample

  cs_code: "c_1234123"

Response data

Field Type Required Description
result_code Integer O Result code
result_message String O Result message
cs_code String O User unique identifier
data Array O Server list
data.server_id String O Server unique identifier
data.server_name String O Name of the server
data.channels Array O List of channels included in the server
data.channels.channel_id String O Channel unique identifier (if channel is not used, response value: “0”)
data.channels.channel_name String O Name of the channel (if channel is not used, response value: “-”)
data.channels.characters Array O List of characters included in the channel (if character is not used, response value: [])
data.channels.characters.character_id String Required if character is used Character unique identifier
data.channels.characters.character_name String Required if character is used Name of the character
data.channels.characters.character_level String Required if character is used Level of the character (if character level is not available, response value: “-”)

Response code

Code Description
200 Success
500 Server Error
- No user information

Response sample

  "result_code": 200,
  "result_message": "success",
  "cs_code": "c_123412341234",
  "data": [
    # Server, Channel, Character
    "server_id": "1",
    "server_name": "Server 1",
    "channels": [{
      "channel_id": "1",
      "channel_name": "Channel 1",
      "characters": [{
        "character_id": "A",
        "character_name": "Character A",
        "character_level": "99",
        "character_id": "B",
        "character_name": "Character B",
        "character_level": "10",
    # Server, Character
    "server_id": "2",
    "server_name": "Server 2",
    "channels": [{
      "channel_id": "0",
      "channel_name": "-",
      "characters": [{
        "character_id": "C",
        "character_name": "Character C",
        "character_level": "11",
        "character_id": "D",
        "character_name": "Character E",
        "character_level": "12",
    # Server, Channel
    "server_id": "3",
    "server_name": "Server 3",
    "channels": [{
      "channel_id": "2",
      "channel_name": "Channel 2",
      "characters": []
    # Server
    "server_id": "4",
    "server_name": "Server 4",
    "channels": [{
      "channel_id": "0",
      "channel_name": "-",
      "characters": []