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Crossplay Launcher Remote Launch API


The cross-play launcher remote execution API provides the ability to query the list of running PCs and remotely execute on a specific PC in case the game unintentionally closes while running the game with the cross-play launcher.

It consists of the PC List Retrieval API and the PC Remote Execution API.


  • Windows version of Hive SDK v4.24.4.0 or higher
  • Crossplay Launcher or higher

Basic operation flow

  • Set the remote execution usage for each game


Currently, only the manual remote execution usage setting function is supported, and the automatic setting function will be provided later.

  • Launch games on Windows PC through the crossplay launcher
  • Call the PC list query API in the game to retrieve the list of PCs running the crossplay launcher
  • In the query results, call the PC remote execution API with the information of the selected PC from the PC list
    (The external auto-login token is passed to the selected PC.)
  • Reconnect to the game and proceed with auto-login through the crossplay launcher using the external auto-login token

PC list retrieval API

This is an API to retrieve the list of PCs that are currently running through the crossplay launcher and are capable of remote execution.

  • You can verify through the Token Verification API, and only valid requests can retrieve the PC list.

Request URL and conditions

Division URL and Conditions
Commercial URL
Data Format JSON

Request header

Field Name Description Type Required
Content-Type application/json String Y
Authorization Bearer token key
(Token key returned after successful login)
String Y

Request header sample

Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer b630b963152efa1f97a8c066831222

Request body

Field Name Description Type Required
appId AppID of the logged-in game String Y
playerId V4 authenticated PlayerID returned after successful login String Y
did DID returned after successful login String Y

Request body sample

    "appId" : "",
    "playerId" : "20000023036",
    "did" : "304166094"

Response body

Field Name Description Type
code Response result code Integer
msg Response result message String
data List of available PCs Array
pc_name PC Name String
did Device Information String
date Last login date and time
(UTC, YYYYmmddHHiiss)

Response body sample

    "code": 100,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": [
            "pc_name" : "pc1",
            "did" : "304162817",
            "date": "20250210144909"
            "pc_name" : "pc2",
            "did" : "304166094",
            "date": "20250210144923"

Response code specification

code msg description
100 success success
101 success(not exist) success
└ However, since there is currently no list available for remote execution, data will not be returned
400 fail(Authorization parameter error) Invalid header parameter
└ Authorization
401 fail(method error) Request with invalid HTTP METHOD
402 fail(request parameter error) Request parameter does not exist
403 fail(appId parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ appId
404 fail(playerId parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ playerId
405 fail(did parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ did
500 fail(hiveCertificationKey error) Failed to retrieve game information (Hive certification key)
501 fail(####) Other certification server verification in progress, error #### Occurred
502 fail(####) Other PC list retrieval in progress, error #### Occurred
503 fail(####) Error #### Occurred while accessing redis for PC list retrieval
900 fail(curl error - ####) Curl error occurred during API call while verifying certification server (error #### Occurred)
901 fail(api error - ####) Certification server verification failed (error #### Occurred)

PC remote execution API

This is an API that delivers token information to remotely execute on the selected PC from the retrieved PC list after requesting the PC list query API.


  • This API delivers the external auto-login token to the selected PC, and the actual remote execution (game access and auto-login) operates through the crossplay launcher.
  • It can only be used if verified through the Token Verification API and deemed a valid request.

Request URL and conditions

Division URL and Conditions
Commercial URL
Data Format JSON

Request header

Field Name Description Type Required
Content-Type application/json String Y
Authorization Bearer token key
(Token key returned after successful login)
String Y

Request header sample

Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer b630b963152efa1f97a8c066831222

Request body

Field Name Description Type Required
appId The AppID of the logged-in game String Y
playerId The V4 authentication PlayerID returned after successful login String Y
did The DID returned after successful login String Y
idpUserId The member ID provided by the IDP after successful login String Y
idpIndex IDP INDEX information
2: Facebook
Integer Y
selected_did The did of the selected PC from the /api/pc/list query result String Y
selected_pcName The pc_name of the selected PC from the /api/pc/list query result String Y

Request body sample

    "appId" : "",
    "playerId" : "20000023036",
    "did" : "304166094",
    "idpUserId" : "68261324",
    "idpIndex" : 1,
    "selected_did" : "304162817",
    "selected_pcName" : "pc1"

Response body

Field Name Description Type
code Response result code Integer
msg Response result message String

Response body sample

    "code" : 100,
    "msg" : "success"

Response code specification

code msg description
100 success success
400 fail(Authorization parameter error) Invalid header parameter
└ Authorization
401 fail(request parameter error) Request parameter does not exist
402 fail(appId parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ appId
403 fail(playerId parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ playerId
404 fail(did parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ did
405 fail(idpUserId parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ idpUserId
406 fail(idpIndex parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ idpIndex
407 fail(selected_did parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ selected_did
408 fail(selected_pcName parameter error) Invalid parameter
└ selected_pcName
409 fail(method error) Request with invalid HTTP METHOD
500 fail(hiveCertificationKey error) Failed to retrieve game information (Hive certification key)
501 fail(####) An error occurred during certificate server verification, #### Error
502 fail(current not exist or not available) Failed because the selected PC information is not currently connected
503 fail(####) An error occurred while accessing Redis to check the selected PC information, #### Error
504 fail(more than 2 exist) Failed if there are more than two connections corresponding to the selected PC information
└ Note: Occurs when all three of playerId, did, and PC name are the same
505 fail(####) An error occurred during the verification of the selected PC information, #### Error
506 fail(####) An error occurred while obtaining external auto-login token-related information (enc_idp and web_idp_token), #### Error
507 fail(publish error) Failed to deliver the external auto-login token to the selected PC
ᄂ Note: Occurs when the number of PCs receiving the message is less than 1 (redis publish result)
508 fail(####) An error occurred while accessing Redis to deliver the external auto-login token to the selected PC, #### Error
509 fail(####) An error occurred while delivering the external auto-login token to the selected PC, #### Error
900 fail(curl error - ####) An error occurred during certificate server verification, curl error occurred during API call (#### Error occurred)
901 fail(api error - ####) Certificate server verification failed (#### Error occurred)
902 fail(curl error - ####) An error occurred while obtaining enc_idp value for external auto-login token, curl error occurred during API call (#### Error occurred)
903 fail(api error - ####) Failed to obtain enc_idp value for external auto-login token (#### Error occurred)
904 fail(curl error - ####) An error occurred while obtaining external auto-login token (web_idp_token), curl error occurred during API call (#### Error occurred)
905 fail(api error - ####) Failed to obtain external auto-login token (web_idp_token) (#### Error occurred)