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This document provides instructions for setting up common engine settings for using Hive SDK Analytics features.

Hive console settings

Hive SDK Analytics provides various features, including log transmission and cohort analysis. To use these features, you must first configure them in the Hive Console according to the Analytics Console Guide.

hive_config.xml settings

These are the hive_config.xml settings required to use the Hive SDK Analytics product.

Item Description Required SDK Default Value
maxGameLogSize This is the maximum number of game logs stored as unstructured data files. Analytics v2 collects this value. The default value is 50, and changing this value is prohibited unless in special circumstances. X 50

This is an iOS-only feature that detects situations where the app is about to terminate due to an NSException type error or a Unix signal type error and saves pending Analytics logs to a file instead of sending them to the server. If using a third-party crash reporter, you should disable this by setting it to false to prevent conflicts. The useCrashReport value used in versions below 4.16.3 is used as the saveAnalyticsLogBeforeCrash value. (+v4.16.3)

The default value has been changed from `true` to `false` (+v4.24.2.0).

X `false`

For more information about hive_config.xml settings, refer to this.

configuration class settings

These are the Configuration class settings required to use the Hive SDK Analytics product.

Item Description Required SDK Default Value
maxGameLogSize This is the maximum number of game logs stored as unstructured data files. Analytics v2 collects this value. The default value is 50, and changing this value is prohibited unless in special circumstances. X `50`
analyticsSendLimit This is the maximum number of logs to be transmitted per log transmission cycle. The default value is 5. It can only be configured using the `Configuration` class. X `5`
analyticsQueueLimit This is the maximum number of logs that can be accumulated. The default value is 50. It can only be configured using the `Configuration` class. X `50`
analyticsSendCycle This is the log transmission cycle. It can be set in seconds, and analytics logs are transmitted every set cycle. The default value is 1 second. It can only be configured using the `Configuration` class. X `1`(unit: seconds)