Specific log file
Sending logs from a specific folder¶
- Using fluentd enables logs to transfer to the log collecting server by reading the log from a local JSON file as shown picture below.
- Example for the log in local JSON file
"dateTime": "2022-04-15 13:02:45",
"timezone": "GMT+09:00",
"channel": "C2S",
"source": "Web",
"serverId": "1",
"osVer": "4.3.1",
"appId": "com.gcp2.hivesdk.android.google.global.normal",
"company": "C2S",
"model": "SHW-M250S",
"lang": "ko",
"class": "sample value of class",
"os": "A",
"appVer": "1.0",
"cpu": "armeabi-v7a",
"market": "GO",
"clientIp": "",
"guid": "4314nbh31211234ld",
"sdkVer": "2.0.1",
"serverIp": "",
"category": "hive_login_log",
"newUser": "N",
"hiveSnsType": "FB",
"deviceName": "SM-G935",
"osVersionFixed": "9.2.1",
"serverUid": "QA-2",
"level": "7",
"isEmulator": "1"
- How to stack logs in the log file
- Configuring td-agent.conf as shown below, you can implement stacking logs in the log file.
@type tail
path /game/sample/log/com2us.log
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/com2us_filelog.pos
tag ha2union.game.sample.com2us_log
format json
@type tail
path /game/sample/log/com2usHoldings.log
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/com2usHoldings_filelog.pos
tag ha2union.game.sample.com2usHoldings_log
format json
@type tail
path /game/sample/log/com2usPlatform.log
pos_file /var/log/td-agent/com2usPlatform_filelog.pos
tag ha2union.game.sample.com2usPlatform_log
format json
<match ha2union.** >
@type copy
@include td-agent-forest.conf # fluentd-plugin-forest
@type forward
send_timeout 60s
recover_wait 10s
heartbeat_interval 1s
#heartbeat_type tcp
transport tcp
phi_threshold 16
hard_timeout 60s
require_ack_response true # at-least-once
buffer_type file
buffer_chunk_limit 8m # 허용되는 최대 청크의 크기
buffer_queue_limit 10240 # 출력 큐의 최대길이
buffer_path /data/log/td-agent/buffer/forward.buffer
flush_interval 1s # 다음 버퍼를 호출하기 전에 대기하는 간격
name hiveanalyticslog-server-03
host analytics-hivelog-03.withhive.com
port 24224
weight 50
name hiveanalyticslog-server-04
host analytics-hivelog-04.withhive.com
port 24224
weight 50
@type file
path /var/log/td-agent/forward-failed # 각자 환경에 따라 변경
@type forward
secondary: Backup option. You can use secondary when it is unavailable to use the server because an error occurs, and back up the logs to path as a file format.
Buffer Plugin : Buffer is a set of chunks. Chunks are flushed to the output queue periodically and transferred to the designated target. The following image shows the operating sequence.