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This provides guidance on the necessary settings required in all development engines to use the Hive SDK authentication feature.

Hive Console settings

To use Hive SDK authentication, you must first configure IdP settings for each AppID in the Hive console authentication.

hive_config.xml configuration

hive_config.xml file, add authentication settings according to the IdP you want to use.


For more details on the hive_config.xml settings, please refer to the following.

Item Description
providers Specifies property values for third-party libraries.
facebook An element belonging to the providers element that defines Facebook-related settings used for authentication with v4. If additional permissions are needed beyond the default email permission (access to Facebook account email address) and public_profile (access to Facebook public profile) set by the Hive SDK when using the Facebook SDK, you must request those permissions in the Facebook console and add them as elements in hive_config.xml. To implement Facebook login when using the Hive SDK v4 Unity Windows, you need to add an id attribute within this element and enter the app ID as the attribute value. You can find the app ID in the Meta app dashboard after creating the app.
google An element belonging to the providers element that adds Google-related settings used for authentication with v4. To implement Google login on desktop, you need to add a clientId attribute within this element and enter the Client ID issued from Google Cloud Console as the attribute value. To implement Google login on Steam Deck (Hive SDK v4 Unity Windows 22.0.0 or higher), you need to add a deviceFlowClientId attribute within this element and enter the Client ID issued from Google Cloud Console as the attribute value.
wechat providers element that adds WeChat-related settings used for authentication with v4.
qq providers element that adds QQ-related settings used for authentication with v4.
vk providers element that adds VK-related settings used for authentication with v4.
line providers element that adds LINE-related settings used for authentication with v4.
weverse providers element that adds Weverse-related settings used for authentication with v4.
signinwithapple An element belonging to the providers element that adds Sign-in-with-Apple related settings used for authentication with v4. (Used for logging in with an Apple account on Android and Windows.) (+4.15.6) To implement Sign-in-with-Apple login on Android and Windows, you need to add a serviceid attribute within this element and enter the Services ID issued from the Apple Developer Center as the attribute value.
steam This element belongs to the providers element and adds Steam-related settings used for authentication with v4. (Used when logging in with a Steam account on Android and iOS.) To implement Steam login on Android and iOS, you need to add the realm attribute within this element and enter Realm as the attribute value.
- Enter the domain of the service requesting the login (e.g., The set value will also be displayed on the Steam login page. (Default value:
- Please enter a valid domain. If an invalid domain is set, normal requests may not proceed.
x This element belongs to the providers element and adds X-related settings used for authentication with v4. You need to add the clientId attribute within this element and enter the OAuth 2.0 Client ID of the project created in the X Developer Portal as the attribute value.
telegram This element belongs to the providers element, and adds Telegram-related settings used when authenticating with Authentication v4. Add the botId and botDomain attributes inside this element. Each attribute is the botId and botDomain of the custom bot created via Telegram's @BotFather. botId is required, and if botDomain is not set, the default value is set to ''. This domain address will be displayed on the Telegram login screen.
        <!-- 아래 Facebook 코드는 Hive SDK에서 자동으로 설정하는 email 권한, public_profile 권한 외에 다른 권한들(예를 들면 user_friends, user_gender)이 추가로 필요할 때 이를 위해 설정하는 예시입니다.-->
        <!-- 실제로 hive_config.xml을 사용할 때에는, 게임사가 필요로 하는 권한만을 <permission> 요소로 삽입해야 합니다. -->
        <facebook id="1809615065921877">
                <permission name="user_friends" />
                <permission name="user_gender" />

        <google playAppId="123456789012"  clientId=""  serverClientId=""  reversedClientId="com.googleusercontent.apps.123456789012-abc"  deviceFlowClientId="" />
        <googleplaygames playAppId="123456789012"  clientId=""  serverClientId=""  reversedClientId="com.googleusercontent.apps.123456789012-abc" />
        <qq id="1234567890" />
        <vk id="1234567" />      
        <wechat id="wx12345cf6c789c0f1" secret="abcdefg"  univeralLink=""/>
        <line channelId="1234567890" />
        <weverse clientId="abcdefg" />
        <!-- (Android Only) 애플 개발자 계정에서 설정한 서비스 id를 serviceid로 설정 -->
        <signinwithapple serviceid="com.sample.your" />
        <!-- (Android&iOS) Steam 로그인 서비스 범위 설정. (기본 값: -->
        <steam realm=""/>
        <x clientId="ABCDEFG"/>
                <telegram botId="123456789" botDomain=""/>

Setting Callback URI when integrating Idp X

When integrating with X in authentication, the Callback URI set in the X Developer Portal requires a format predefined by the Hive SDK, as shown below.


This Callback URI is set in the User authentication settings / App info of the project created in the X Developer Portal.


Authentication IdP Setting up a bot for Telegram login

To provide the Telegram login service in authentication, a dedicated bot is required.

Create a bot in the following order and obtain botId and botDomain. For more information, please refer to the Telegram official documentation.

  1. Search for '@BotFather' in Telegram and access the chat room with the official authentication mark.
  2. Click Start at the bottom and enter the /newbot command in the chat window. You can receive an authentication token by entering 'name' and 'username' according to the instructions of BotFather. At this time, the username cannot be changed, so you must enter it carefully. The number before the colon (':') in the acquired token string corresponds to the botId. The token is a value that must be entered into the Hive console later, so save it together.
  3. Enter the /setDomain command in the chat window. You can set the domain address to be displayed on the login screen. The input value is used as botDomain.
  4. Enter the acquired botId and botDomain in hive_config.xml. If you are using Unity, you can easily add it by referring to hive_config.xml settings.