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Check user data

You can check user's profiles and suspended status after users signed in.

Getting user profile

When user signs, you can get the user profile data by calling getProfile() method of AuthV4 class. Profile data contains playerId, playerName for display name, and playerImageUrl for user thumbnail image.

Followings are sample codes to receive profile data.

API Reference: hive.AuthV4.getProfile

using hive;

List<Int64> playerIdList = new List();

AuthV4.getProfile(playerIdList, (ResultAPI result, List profileInfoList) => {
    if (!result.isSuccess()) {

    if (profileInfoList != null) {
        foreach (ProfileInfo profileInfo in profileInfoList) {
        // PlayerName: profileInfo.playerName
        // PlayerId: profileInfo.playerId
#include "HiveAuthV4.h"

TArray<int64> PlayerIdArray;

FHiveAuthV4::GetProfile(PlayerIdArray, FHiveAuthV4OnGetProfileDelegate::CreateLambda([this](const FHiveResultAPI& Result, const TArray<FHiveProfileInfo> ProfileInfoArray) {
        if (!Result.IsSuccess()) {

        for (const auto& ProfileInfo : ProfileInfoArray)
                // PlayerName: ProfileInfo.PlayerName;
                // PlayerId : ProfileInfo.ProfileInfo;

API Reference: AuthV4::getProfile

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace hive;

vector<PlayerID> playerIdList;

AuthV4::getProfile(playerIdList, [=](ResultAPI const & result, vector<ProfileInfo> const & profileInfoList) {
    if (!result.isSuccess()) {

if (profileInfoList != null) {
    for (auto profileInfo : profileInfoList) {
        // PlayerName: profileInfo.playerName
        // PlayerId: profileInfo.playerId

API Reference: AuthV4.getProfile

import com.hive.AuthV4
import com.hive.ResultAPI

val playerIdList = arrayListOf<Long>(

AuthV4.getProfile(playerIdList, object : AuthV4.AuthV4GetProfileListener {
    override fun onAuthV4GetProfile(result: ResultAPI, profileInfoList: ArrayList<AuthV4.ProfileInfo>?) {
        if (!result.isSuccess) {

        if (profileInfoList != null) {
            for (i in 0 until profileInfoList.size) {
                // PlayerName: profileInfoList[i].playerName
                // PlayerId: profileInfoList[i].playerId

API Reference: com.hive.AuthV4.getProfile

import com.hive.AuthV4;
import com.hive.ResultAPI;

ArrayList<Long> playerIdList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(

AuthV4.INSTANCE.getProfile(playerIdList, (result, profileInfoList) -> {
    if (!result.isSuccess()) {

    if (profileInfoList != null) {
        for (AuthV4.ProfileInfo profileInfo : profileInfoList) {
            // PlayerName: profileInfo.getPlayerName();
            // PlayerId: profileInfo.getPlayerId();

API Reference: AuthV4Interface.getProfile

import HIVEService

var playerIdList = [Int64]()

AuthV4Interface.getProfile(playerIdList) { result, profileInfoList in
    if !result.isSuccess() {

    if let profileInfoList = profileInfoList {
        for (profileInfo in profileInfoList) {
        // PlayerName: profileInfo.playerName
        // PlayerId: profileInfo.playerId

API Reference: HIVEAuthV4:getProfile

#import <HIVEService/HIVEService-Swift.h>

NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *playerIdList = [[[NSMutableArray] alloc] init];
[playerIdList addObject: [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:0123]];
[playerIdList addObject: [NSNUmber numberWithLongLong:4567]];

[HIVEAuthV4 getProfile: playerIdList handler: ^(HIVEResultAPI *result, NSArray<HIVEProfileInfo *> *profileInfoList) {
    if (![result isSuccess]) {
    if (profileInfoList != nil) {
        for (HIVEProfileInfo *profileInfo in profileInfoList) {
        // PlayerName: profileInfo.playerName
        // PlayerId: profileInfo.playerId

Checking blacklist

When user signs in or syncs with IdP, Hive SDK automatically checks the blacklist and suspends the user from playing game. If you need to check the status of user suspension during the game, use the checkBlacklist() method to check the suspended status of the user in real time and restrict the game play. Depending on the value of the isShow parameter at the time of checkBlacklist() call, Hive SDK will either show the suspended status popup directly or return popup content for customizing the suspended status popup.

  • Useing Providing suspension popups: Set isShow parameter as true.
  • Using Customized suspension popups: Set isShow parameter as false. For more information about popup data, see suspension popup Data Returned by Hive SDK below.

  • Example screen of suspension popup

Suspension popup data returned by Hive SDK

If the result of calling checkBlacklist() method is success, Hive SDK returns the values in the following table through AuthV4MaintenanceInfo object.

Field Name Description Type
title Popup title String
message Popup contents String
button Text on the label of popup button String
action Action type when a user taps the popup button
* OPEN_URL: Execute URL passed by external browser
* EXIT: End the app
* DONE: Just close maintenance popup
Enumeration type of AuthV4MaintenanceActionType
url URL displayed by external browser. This is valid when the value of action field is OPEN_URL String
remainingTime Remaining time until maintenance completion (Unit: second). Time refreshes in real time and when it becomes zero, app is terminated. Integer

Followings are sample codes to check the users under suspension.

  • In case of using no Hive SDK UI (isShow = false)

API Reference: hive.AuthV4.checkBlacklist

using hive;

Boolean isShow = false;

AuthV4.checkBlacklist(isShow, (ResultAPI result, List<AuthV4.MaintenanceInfo> maintenanceInfo) => {
    if (!result.isSuccess()) {
        // Request to check for suspension failed

    if(maintenanceInfo != null){
        // In case of suspended user
    } else{
        // If you are a general user
#include "HiveAuthV4.h"

bool bIsShow = false;
                                                            FHiveAuthV4OnMaintenanceInfoDelegate::CreateLambda([this](const FHiveResultAPI& Result, const TArray<FHiveAuthV4MaintenanceInfo>& AuthV4MaintenanceInfoArray) {
        if (!Result.IsSuccess()) {
                // Request to check for suspension failed

        if (AuthV4MaintenanceInfoArray.Num() > 0) {
                //  In case of suspended user
        } else {
                // If you are a general user

API Reference: AuthV4.checkBlacklist

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace hive;

bool isShow = false;

AuthV4::checkBlacklist(isShow, [=](ResultAPI const & result, vector<AuthV4MaintenanceInfo> const & maintenanceInfo) {
    if(!result.isSuccess) {
        // Request to check for suspension failed

    if (maintenanceInfo != null){
        // In case of suspended user
    } else {
        // If you are a general user

API Reference: AuthV4.checkBlacklist

    import com.hive.AuthV4
    import com.hive.ResultAPI

    val isShow = false

    AuthV4.checkBlacklist(isShow, object : AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceListener {
        override fun onAuthV4Maintenance(result: ResultAPI, maintenanceInfo: ArrayList<AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceInfo>?) {
            if (!result.isSuccess) {
                // Request to check for suspension failed

            if (maintenanceInfo != null) {
                // In case of suspended user
            } else {
                // If you are a general user

API Reference: com.hive.AuthV4.checkBlacklist

    import com.hive.AuthV4;
    import com.hive.ResultAPI;

    boolean isShow = false;

    AuthV4.INSTANCE.checkBlacklist(isShow, (result, maintenanceInfo) -> {
        if (!result.isSuccess()) {
            // Request to check for suspension failed

        if (maintenanceInfo != null) {
            // In case of suspended user
        } else {
            // If you are a general user

API Reference: AuthV4Interface.checkBlacklist

    import HIVEService

    let isShow = false

    AuthV4Interface.checkBlacklist(isShow) { result, maintenanceInfo in
        if !result.isSuccess() {
        // Request to check for suspension failed

        if let maintenanceInfo = maintenanceInfo {
        // In case of suspended user
        } else {
        // If you are a general user

API Reference: HIVEAuthV4:checkBlacklist

    #import <HIVEService/HIVEService-Swift.h>

    BOOL isShow = NO;

    [HIVEAuthV4 checkBlackList: isShow handler: ^(HIVEResultAPI *result, HIVEAuthV4MaintenanceInfo *maintenanceInfo) {
        if (![result isSuccess]) {
        // Request to check for suspension failed

        if (maintenanceInfo != nil) {
        // In case of suspended user
        } else {
        // If you are a general user
  • In case of using Hive SDK UI (isShow = true)

API Reference: hive.AuthV4.checkBlacklist

// If isShow is true, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
    Boolean isShow = true;

    // Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
    AuthV4.checkBlacklist(isShow, (ResultAPI result, List<AuthV4.MaintenanceInfo> maintenanceInfo)=>{
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        // In case of normal user
    }    else if (result.needExit()) {

    // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
     // Example) Application.Quit();    }});
#include "HiveAuthV4.h"

// If isShow is true, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
bool bIsShow = true;

// Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
                                                            FHiveAuthV4OnMaintenanceInfoDelegate::CreateLambda([this](const FHiveResultAPI& Result, const TArray<FHiveAuthV4MaintenanceInfo>& AuthV4MaintenanceInfoArray) {
        if (Result.IsSuccess()) {
                // In case of normal user
        } else if (Result.NeedExit() {
                // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
                // Ex) UKismetSystemLibrary::QuitGame(GetWorld(), nullptr, EQuitPreference::Quit, false);

API Reference: AuthV4.checkBlacklist

// If isShow is true, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
    bool isShow = true;

    // Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
    AuthV4::checkBlacklist(isShow,  [=](ResultAPI const & result,std::vector<AuthV4MaintenanceInfo> const & maintenanceInfolist){
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        // In case of normal user
    }    else if (result.needExit()) {
        // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
        // Users of the Cocos2d-x engine
        // ex) exit(0);
        // Unreal engine users
        // Example) UKismetSystemLibrary::QuitGame(GetWorld(), nullptr, EQuitPreference::Quit, false);    }});

API Reference: AuthV4.checkBlacklist

// If isShow is true, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
    val isShow = true

 // Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
AuthV4.checkBlacklist(isShow, object : AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceListener {
 override fun onAuthV4Maintenance(
result: ResultAPI,
maintenanceInfo: ArrayList<AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceInfo>?    ) {        if (result.isSuccess) {
    // In case of normal user
} else if (result.needExit()) {
    // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
    // Example) exitProcess(0)        }    }})

API Reference: com.hive.AuthV4.checkBlacklist

// If isShow is true, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
boolean isShow = true;

// Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
AuthV4.checkBlacklist(isShow, new AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceListener() {
public void onAuthV4Maintenance(ResultAPI result, ArrayList<AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceInfo> maintenanceInfo) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        // In case of normal user
    }        else if (result.needExit()) {
        // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
        // Example) System.exit(0);        }    }});

API Reference: AuthV4Interface.checkBlacklist

// If isShow is true, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
    let isShow = true

// Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
AuthV4Interface.checkBlacklist(isShow) { (result, maintenanceInfolist) in
if result.isSuccess() {
    // In case of normal user
else if result.needExit() {
    // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
    // Example) exit(0) 

API Reference: HIVEAuthV4:checkBlacklist

// If isShow is YES, Hive SDK displays suspension popup.
    BOOL isShow = YES;

// Hive SDK AuthV4 requests to check whether suspended user or not.
[HIVEAuthV4 checkBlacklist:isShow handler:^(HIVEResultAPI *result, NSArray<HIVEAuthV4MaintenanceInfo *> *maintenanceInfolist) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
    // In case of normal user
}    else if (result.needExit) {
    // TODO: Implement the termination of the app.
    // Example) exit(0);             }}];

Use the email address of users

Game companies provide a function to collect email information in the logged in user profile information. To collect email information, you must enable the feature in the Hive Console.

First, you must obtain permission to collect emails from the ‘IDPs that can collect emails’ from the IDP list below.

  • IdPs available for email collection: Google, Facebook, Huawei (Android), membership, Apple (iOS)
  • Email cannot be collected from IdPs: Google Play Games, Apple Game Center, QQ, VK, WeChat, Line, Weverse

After calling the Explicit Login API, you can get the email address of a logged-in user via referencing providerInfoData in PlayerInfo class instance, which is returned in the callback.

Use ProviderType as the key in providerInfoData to get the ProviderInfo. For more details, see the example codes below.

API Reference: hive.AuthV4.showSignIn

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
AuthV4.showSignIn((ResultAPI result, AuthV4.PlayerInfo playerInfo)=>{
if (result.isSuccess()) {
    // authentication success
    // playerInfo: Authenticated user information

    // the example of getting email information
    foreach (KeyValuePair<AuthV4.ProviderType , AuthV4.ProviderInfo> entry in playerInfo.providerInfoData) {

        AuthV4.ProviderInfo providerInfo = entry.Value;
        if(providerInfo.providerEmail != null && providerInfo.providerEmail != "") {
            string email = providerInfo.providerEmail;
    else if (result.needExit()) {
        // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
        // Example) Application.Quit();    
#include "HiveAuthV4.h"

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
FHiveAuthV4::ShowSignIn(FHiveAuthV4OnSignInDelegate::CreateLambda([this](const FHiveResultAPI& Result, const FHivePlayerInfo& PlayerInfo) {
        if (Result.IsSuccess()) {
                // authentication success
      // playerInfo: Authenticated user informatio

                // the example of getting email information
                for (const auto& ProviderInfoEntry : PlayerInfo.ProviderInfoData) {
                        FHiveProviderInfo ProviderInfo = ProviderInfoEntry.Value;
                        FString Email = ProviderInfo.ProviderEmail;
        } else if (Result.NeedExit()) {
                 // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
      // Users of the Cocos2d-x engine
      // ex) UKismetSystemLibrary::QuitGame(GetWorld(), nullptr, EQuitPreference::Quit, false);

API Reference: AuthV4::showSignIn

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
AuthV4::showSignIn([=](ResultAPI const & result, PlayerInfo const & playerInfo) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        // authentication success
        // playerInfo: Authenticated user information

        // the example of getting email information
        for(auto it = playerInfo.providerInfoData.begin(); it != playerInfo.providerInfoData.end(); ++it) {
            hive::ProviderInfo providerInfo = it->second;
            if(!providerInfo.providerEmail.empty()) {
                std::string email = providerInfo.providerEmail;
    else if (result.needExit()) {
        // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
        // Users of the Cocos2d-x engine
        // ex) exit(0);
        // Unreal engine users
        // Example) UKismetSystemLibrary::QuitGame(GetWorld(), nullptr, EQuitPreference::Quit, false);

API Reference: com.hive.AuthV4.showSignIn

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
AuthV4.showSignIn(object : AuthV4.AuthV4SignInListener{
override fun onAuthV4SignIn(result: ResultAPI, playerInfo: AuthV4.PlayerInfo?) {
    if (result.isSuccess) {
        // authentication success
        // playerInfo: Authenticated user information

        // the example of getting email information
        playerInfo?.let {
            for ((key, value) in it.providerInfoData) {
                var providerInfo: AuthV4.ProviderInfo = value
                if(providerInfo.providerEmail.isNotEmpty()) {
                    val email = providerInfo.providerEmail
    } else if (result.needExit()) {
            // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
            // ex) exitProcess(0)

API Reference: com.hive.AuthV4.showSignIn

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
AuthV4.showSignIn(new AuthV4.AuthV4SignInListener() {
    public void onAuthV4SignIn(ResultAPI result, AuthV4.PlayerInfo playerInfo) {

        if (result.isSuccess()) {
            // authentication success
            // playerInfo: Authenticated user information

            // the example of getting email information
            if(playerInfo != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<AuthV4.ProviderType , AuthV4.ProviderInfo> entry : playerInfo.getProviderInfoData().entrySet()) {
                    AuthV4.ProviderInfo providerInfo = entry.getValue();
                    if (providerInfo.getProviderEmail() != "") {
                        String email = providerInfo.getProviderEmail();
        else if (result.needExit()) {
            // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
            // Example) System.exit(0);        

API Reference: HIVEAuthV4:showSignIn

var email = String()

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
AuthV4Interface.showSignIn { (result, playerInfo) in

    if result.isSuccess() {
        // authentication success
        // playerInfo: Authenticated user information

        // the example of getting email information
        if let playerInfo = playerInfo {
            // find providerInfo that the providerEmail exists (the provider of the current sign-in)
            for key in playerInfo.providerInfoData.keys {
                if let providerInfo = playerInfo.providerInfoData[key],
                providerInfo.providerEmail.count > 0 {
                    // providerEmail != ""
                    email = providerInfo.providerEmail
    } else if result.needExit() {
        // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
        // Example) exit(0)

API Reference: HIVEAuthV4:showSignIn

__block NSString* email = @"";

// Request Hive SDK AuthV4 Authentication UI
[HIVEAuthV4 showSignIn:^(HIVEResultAPI *result, HIVEPlayerInfo *playerInfo) {

    if([result isSuccess]){
        // authentication success
        // playerInfo: Authenticated user information

        // the example of getting email information
        if(playerInfo != nil) {
            // find providerInfo that the providerEmail exists (the provider of the current sign-in)
            for (NSString* key in playerInfo.providerInfoData.allKeys) {
                HIVEProviderInfo* providerInfo = playerInfo.providerInfoData[key];
                if (providerInfo != nil && providerInfo.providerEmail.length > 0) {
                    // providerEmail != ""
                    email = providerInfo.providerEmail;
    } else if ([result needExit]) {
        // TODO: Implement the termination of the app
        // ex) exit(0);

The guest login and the custom login does not have the email information in the ProviderInfo. It is returned as an empty character ("").

If there is no user email information, the email information in the ProviderInfo is returned as an empty character ("").