In the Unreal environment, you can automatically generate the hive_config.xml file and assign configuration values using the Unreal Editor. Using the Unreal Editor is recommended because it eliminates the need to manually configure the AndroidManifest.xml file during Android app development, along with the hive_config.xml file.
The method for configuring the hive_config.xml file for using Hive in the Unreal Editor is as follows.
- To configure the hive_config.xml file, first click on Edit > Project Settings in the menu of Unreal Editor. The Project Settings window will appear on the screen.
- In the left panel of the Project Settings window, click on the Hive Config menu. The HIVEConfig XML settings screen will appear.
HiveConfig settings¶
In the HiveConfig XML settings screen, you create the hive_config.xml file and enter the configuration values. If the configuration value file does not exist, the Hive SDK will be created automatically. The paths for the files by OS are as follows.
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
When the user changes the settings, it is automatically saved in the Unreal Editor, and the files that save the settings (hive_config.xml, etc_string.xml, GooglePlayAppID.xml) also automatically reflect and save the changes.