Receipt verification
Ungiven item receipts¶
Sending items is occasionally failed or cancelled after purchase. To prevent this situation, request receipt information of items not given by calling restore()
method of IAPV4 class.
- If
is returned and ReceiptList is sent after callingrestore()
, items needed restore exist. Send the ungiven items and complete the restore process. - If
is not returned after callingrestore()
, no more process is required for game studio. - If calling
method occurs errors, notify only some errors required to recognize and skip others for user to keep playing your game. - When using the
market in Windows apps for Google Play (Hive SDK v4 Unity Windows 23.0.0 or higher), if the authentication information for the Google account used for payments expires at the time of calling therestore()
method, the Hive SDK automatically initiates the re-authentication process.
Followings are sample codes to request receipt information of items not given.
API Reference: hive .IAPV4.restore
using hive;
IAPV4.restore((ResultAPI result, List receiptList) => {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
if (result.errorCode = ResultAPI.ErrorCode.SUCCESS) {
// TODO: Request receipt verification using the received receiptList
} else if (result.errorCode = ResultAPI.ErrorCode.NOT_OWNED) {
// No unpaid items
#include "HiveIAPV4.h"
FHiveIAPV4::Restore(FHiveIAPV4OnRestoreDelegate::CreateLambda([this](const FHiveResultAPI& Result, const TArray<FHiveIAPV4Receipt>& IAPV4ReceiptList) {
if (Result.IsSuccess()) {
if (Result.ErrorCode == FHiveResultAPI::EErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
// TODO: Request receipt verification using the received receiptList
} else if (Result.ErrorCode == FHiveResultAPI::EErrorCode::RESTORE_NOT_OWNED) {
// No unpaid items
API Reference: IAPV4 ::restore
#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace hive;
IAPV4::restore([=](ResultAPI const & result, vector<reference_wrapper<IAPV4Receipt>> receiptList) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
if (result.errorCode == ResultAPI::ErrorCode::SUCCESS) {
// TODO: Request receipt verification using the received receiptList
} else if (result.errorCode == ResultAPI::ErrorCode::RESTORE_NOT_OWNED) {
// No unpaid items
API Reference: IAPV4.restore
import com.hive.IAPV4
import com.hive.ResultAPI
IAPV4.restore(object : IAPV4.IAPV4RestoreListener {
override fun onIAPV4Restore(result: ResultAPI, iapv4ReceiptList: ArrayList<IAPV4.IAPV4Receipt>?) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
if (result.errorCode == ResultAPI.SUCCESS) {
// TODO: Request receipt verification using the received iapv4ReceiptList
} else if (result.errorCode == ResultAPI.RESTORE_NOT_OWNED) {
// No unpaid items
API Reference: com.hive.IAPV4.restore
import com.hive.IAPV4;
import com.hive.ResultAPI;
IAPV4.INSTANCE.restore((result, iapv4ReceiptList) -> {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
if (result.getErrorCode() == ResultAPI.Companion.getSUCCESS()) {
// TODO: Request receipt verification using the received iapv4ReceiptList
} else if (result.getErrorCode() == ResultAPI.Companion.getRESTORE_NOT_OWNED()) {
// No unpaid items
API Reference: IAPV4Interface .restore
API Reference: HIVEIAPV4::restore
#import <HIVEService/HIVEService-Swift.h>
[HIVEIAPV4 restore: ^(HIVEResultAPI *result, NSArray<HIVEIAPV4Receipt *> *receiptList) {
if ([result isSuccess]) {
if ([result getErrorCode] == HIVEResultAPITypeSuccess) {
// TODO: Request receipt verification using the received receiptList
} else if ([result getErrorCode] == HIVEResultAPITypeNotOwned){
// No unpaid items
may differ by operating system/market. For more details, see the status of supported features.
List of purchase-restoring error codes¶
Error Code | Description |
NEED_INITIALIZE | Unable to initialize |
NETWORK | Network error |
NOT_SUPPORTED | Unable to restore (In-app purchase denied on device, etc.). User sets unavailable store |
INVALID_SESSION | Invalid session to restore |
IN_PROGRESS | Restore API in progress |
RESTORE_NOT_OWNED | No item to restore |
NOT_OWNED | No item to restore |
RESPONSE_FAIL | IAP Server error |
Verifying purchase receipt¶
Before sending items from game server, verification API from IAP should confirm whether the receipt is valid. hiveiap_transaction_id
in verification API is a unique ID issued by receipt. Thus, save the ID on game server to check duplicated receipts. If you use verification API and then send all data from Request parameter, IAP Server forwards game data to analyze sales status. Just utilize APIs to search payment on Hive One > Search All as well. For more details, refer to IAP Receipt Verification API.
Completion to give purchased or ungiven items¶
If the game server sends items after purchase, make sure to call transactionFinish()
method of IAPV4 class to complete the purchase.
If you don’t call transactionFinish()
method, the item remains in ungiven status.
This cause receipt return under calling restore()
method. Therefore, make sure to call the finish API after all process completed.
With Hive SDK v4.12.0 and later on Android Google Play Store, the payment is automatically refunded if the result of implementing TransactionFinish()
method in the IAPV4 class is not success within three days or five minutes in test status after payment.
Followings are sample codes which complete a request for item sending.
API Reference: hive .IAPV4.transactionFinish
API Reference: IAPV4 ::transactionFinish
API Reference: IAPV4.transactionFinish
import com.hive.IAPV4
import com.hive.ResultAPI
val marketPid = "{YOUR_PRODUCT_MARKET_PID}"
IAPV4.transactionFinish(marketPid, object : IAPV4.IAPV4TransactionFinishListener {
override fun onIAPV4TransactionFinish(result: ResultAPI, marketPid: String) {
if (result.isSuccess) {
// call successful
API Reference: com.hive.IAPV4.transactionFinish
API Reference: IAPV4Interface.transactionFinish
API Reference: HIVEIAPV4::transactionFinish:handler:
Followings are sample codes to request to send several items.
API Reference: hive .IAPV4.transactionMultiFinish
using hive;
List marketPidList = new List();
IAPV4.transactionMultiFinish((List<ResultAPI> resultList, List<String> marketPidList) => {
for (ResultAPI result in resultList) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// call successful
#include "HiveIAPV4.h"
TArray<FString> MarketPidList;
FHiveIAPV4::TransactionMultiFinish(MarketPidList, FHiveIAPV4OnTransactionMultiFinishDelegate::CreateLambda([this](const TArray<FHiveResultAPI>& ResultList, const TArray<FString>& MarketPidList) {
for (const auto& Result : ResultList) {
if (Result.IsSuccess()) {
// API call successful
API Reference: IAPV4 ::transactionMultiFinish
#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace hive;
vector<string> marketPidList;
IAPV4::transactionMultiFinish(marketPidList, [=](vector<ResultAPI> const & resultList, vector<string> const & marketPidList) {
for (ResultAPI result : resultList) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// call successful
API Reference: IAPV4.transactionMultiFinish
import com.hive.IAPV4
import com.hive.ResultAPI
val marketPidList = arrayListOf(
IAPV4.transactionMultiFinish(marketPidList, object : IAPV4.IAPV4TransactionMultiFinishListener {
override fun onIAPV4TransactionMultiFinish(resultList: ArrayList<ResultAPI>, marketPidList: ArrayList<String>) {
for (i in 0 until resultList.size) {
if (resultList[i].isSuccess) {
// call successful
API Reference: com.hive.IAPV4.transactionMultiFinish
import com.hive.IAPV4;
import com.hive.ResultAPI;
ArrayList<String> marketPidList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
IAPV4.INSTANCE.transactionMultiFinish(marketPidList, (resultList, marketPidList1) -> {
for (ResultAPI result : resultList) {
if (result.isSuccess()) {
// call successful
API Reference: IAPV4Interface.transactionMultiFinish
import HIVEService
var marketPidList = [String]()
IAPV4Interface.transactionMultiFinish(marketPidList) { resultList, marketPidList in
for result in resultList {
if result.isSuccess() {
// call successful
API Reference: HIVEIAPV4::transactionMultiFinish
#import <HIVEService/HIVEService-Swift.h>
NSMutableArray<NSString *> *maketPidList = [NSMutableArray array];
[maketPidList addObject:@"{YOUR_PRODUCT_MARKET_PID_01}"];
[maketPidList addObject:@"{YOUR_PRODUCT_MARKET_PID_02}"];
[maketPidList addObject:@"{YOUR_PRODUCT_MARKET_PID_03}"];
[HIVEIAPV4 transactionMultiFinish: maketPidList handler: ^(NSArray<HIVEResultAPI *> *resultList, NSArray<NSString *> *marketPidList) {
for (HIVEResultAPI *result in resultList) {
if ([result isSuccess]) {
// call successful
Get user purchase activity information: using AccountUuid
There may be users who abuse the payment system, such as a single game account using multiple app store accounts to make payments. On the game studio side, you can obtain and analyze specific user behavior by comparing payment user information (AccountUuid).
The method below returns AccountUuid
, which is the hash value of PlayerId in UUID v3 format that Hive SDK passes to the app store.
API Reference: IAPV4.getAccountUuid
API Reference: IAPV4 ::getAccountUuid
API Reference: IAPV4.getAccountUuid
API Reference: IAPV4.INSTANCE .getAccountUuid
API Reference: IAPV4Interface.getAccountUuid
API Reference: [HIVEIAPV4 getAccountUuid ]
The game studio can use this hash value with the purchase receipt information to analyze a user’s purchases.
The example below shows analyzing the purchase activity of a game account with a specific PlayerId via AccountUuid
when there are multiple in-game characters in this game account. This example is only for development reference and does not guarantee the actual operation.
Store purchase meta info in game server in advance¶
Before a request to purchase occurs, save the purchase meta information (AccountUuid
and character information) to the game server.
/* The game client pass the info to the game server before the purchase occurs.
* @param purchaseTime: purchase time. The receipts are usually based on UTC. since the epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
* @param productId: purchase product ID.
* @param accountUuId: hashed PlayerId. It is included in the receipt and can be obtained with IAPV4.getAccountUuid().
* @param characterId: the character identifier within PlayerId.
game.sendPurchaseGameData(purchaseTime, productId, accountUuid, characterId)
Send bypassInfo
When a purchase request occurs, send the bypassInfo
data to the game server. The code below is pseudo code for development reference.
Request for receipt verification¶
The game server passes the bypassInfo
data to the IAP v4 server and requests validating the receipt. For details of requesting receipt verification, see here. The AccountUuid
included in the hiveiap_receipt
, which is the original receipt of app market/store received within the response value.
# Apple
# Purchase time: purchase_date_ms
# Purchased products: product_id
# AccountUuid: app_account_token
# Google
# Purchase time: purchaseTime
# Purchased products: productId
# AccountUuid: obfuscatedAccountId
Analyze by matching AccountUuid
of the purchase meta information with AccountUuid
of the hiveiap_receipt
Find the user information necessary for analysis, such as the game character information, by matching the AccountUuid
previously stored in the purchase meta information with the AccountUuid
obtained from the result of the receipt verification. You can analyze the purchase activity of the corresponding game account by matching the purchase meta information with the receipt information.
If a user has purchased multiple items, each purchase can be identified by matching the purchase meta information with the purchaseTime
of hiveiap_receipt
. For details on hiveiap_receipt
, see Verify Receipt and check the API response by market.
Get user purchase activity information: using iadPayload
When requesting a purchase with Purchase() if your game company also provides the predefined data to analyze user purchase activity, the iapPayload
, the Hive Server matches the purchase receipt corresponding to iapPayload
and sends this to the game server. The game company can use the information in the receipt and the information in iadPayload
together to analyze user purchase activity.
With this way, because the Hive Server matches the purchase meta information of each purchase with each receipt and send it to your game server, you don't need to match the purchase meta information and the receipt with AccountUuid
by yourself as shown above.
Define iapPayload
and execute Purchase()
When executing each product purchase request, define desired fields and values in iapPayload
and use it as an argument. The process is similar to defining purchase metadata.
Request the receipt verification, and receive the iapPayload
and the corresponding receipt.¶
When a payment was completed and the receipt verification is requested, the Hive Server matches the iapPayload
with its corresponding receipt by purchase and delivered them to the game server. The game studios can use the information in the iapPayload
and the receipt to analyze user purchase activity.
Below is an example of a situation using iapPayload.
- Market Account: A, Hive PlayerId: a, App Character: 1 Login
- Purchase(marketPid, "playerId a - character 1")
- Switch account to Hive PlayerId: b, App Character 2
- Restore()
- Received receipt containing iapPayload "playerId a - character 1"