This is a guide to setting up marketing attribution features in the Hive SDK for Unity.
Unity hive config editor settings¶
Select Hive > Edit Config and set the HiveConfig Mobile App Tracking Settings on the Inspector screen. Enter the configuration values for the marketing attribution you will use. Enter the AppID, key, or token values issued from the marketing attribution dashboard you will use.
Marketing attribution add¶
Click the Hive > ExternalDependency menu.
2. When the settings window appears, select the feature you want to use.
Select the attribution to use in Analytics Settings. For example, to use Adjust as a third-party marketing attribution, select Adjust.
Add required Firebase files¶
When using Firebase, you need to download the required files from the Firebase Console and add them to your development project.
After registering the app in the Firebase console, download the google-services.json file here. Firebase Analytics will be initialized based on the contents of the file. Download the file and place it in the Project/Assets path.
After registering the app in the Firebase console, download the GoogleService-Info.plist file here. Firebase Analytics will be initialized based on the contents of the file. Download the file and add it to the Assets/ExternalResources/iOS path. It will be linked to the main target (Unity-iPhone) during the Xcode project build.