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Manual event tracking

Aside from Install, Open, Update, and Purchase (in-app purchase) which are tracked automatically by Hive SDK, you can manually track the necessary events you want. To do this, you need to register the event to the dashboard of each attribution. For example, you can track specific events like the completion of your game tutorial (TutorialComplete) or the completion of a mission objective (MissionClear). You should implement the manual event tracking after finishing setting up the automatic event tracking.

Manual Event Tracking with Adjust

  1. To track custom events manually, register the events on Adjust dashboard, and get the app token and the event tokens. The app token can be obtained on the dashboard main page, and the event tokens on Dashboard > All Settings > Events. Refer to the Adjust dashboard guide to learn how to get the tokens.
  2. Add the app token and the event token of each event on hive_config.xml. For more details, see the example codes below.
  3. To prevent app spoofing, Adjust dashboard offers SDK Signature. To use this feature, you need to check Adjust contract details. To use this feature, get the required keys and add them in hive_config.xml (secretId, info1, info2, info3, info4).

    <!-- (skipped) -->
    <!-- Do not set the id field of the Adjust node. -->
    <!-- The name field of the Adjust node is fixed to "Adjust." -->
    <!-- The name field of the event node is defined by the game studio. But once it is set, it should be the same for the name field of all other marketing attributions for the sendEvent() request.-->
    <Adjust name="Adjust" id="unused" key="APP_TOKEN" secretId="1" info1="5432112345" info2="334123" info3="555333" info4="111333">
                    <event name="TutorialComplete" value="TutorialComplete_EVENT_TOKEN"/>
                    <event name="MissionClear" value="MissionClear_EVENT_TOKEN"/>
    <!-- (skipped) -->
  4. Call Analytics API sendEvent() to send the event. Use event name in hive_config.xml when you send an event. The name is used as a request parameter for sendEvent(), and the value you set will be updated on the dashboard of each attribution.

    • Analytics.sendEvent("TutorialComplete");
    • Analytics.sendEvent("MissionClear");

Tracking Events Manually with Airbridge

  1. Get the required token. For information on how to get a token, refer to the Airbridge Dashboard Guide.
    • Get the App SDK Token and App Name from Dashboard > Settings > Token Management.
  2. Add the token, app name, and event settings to hive_config.xml. Refer to the hive_config.xml example code below. On Windows, the token and app name settings are not required, but the Hive console settings are required.
  3. Airbridge provides SDK Signature to prevent app spoofing. To use the related function, you must first check the contract terms with Airbridge. Get the key and add it as secretId, secret value in hive_config.xml. For more information about SDK signature security information, refer to the Airbridge Guide. It is supported only on Android and iOS, not on Windows.
  4. If you are applying Windows, Android, and iOS together, contact Airbridge for presets.
  5. Send events by calling the Analytics API sendEvent(). When sending events, use the name and value of the event< tag added to hive_config.xml. name is used as a parameter when calling the API, and value can be checked in the dashboard of each attribution.
    • Analytics.sendEvent("TutorialComplete");
    • Analytics.sendEvent("MissionClear");

hive_config.xml example code

    <Airbridge name="Airbridge" key="APP_SDK_TOKEN" appName="APP_NAME" secretId="SECRET_ID" secret="SECRET">
                        <event name="TutorialComplete" value="Tutorial Complete" />
                        <event name="MissionClear" value="Mission Clear" />

Sending additional attributes with Airbridge

When sending in-app events with Airbridge, you can send additional attributes using Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes.

The additional attribute information that can be sent is as follows.

  • Action, Label: Collects information that can be used for group by in the Airbridge report.
  • Value: Collects information used for revenue analysis.
  • Semantic Attribute: Airbridge's predefined attributes.
    • If you enter an attribute string other than the predefined attributes, it may not be collected.
    • Events with data that do not match the data format of the semantic attribute will not be collected. Since the data format varies for each semantic attribute, caution is required.
    • Semantic attributes with a data format of string are allowed up to 1024 characters. Semantic attributes with a data format of int or float are allowed up to 64 bits.
  • Custom Attribute: Attributes defined by the user.

API Reference: hive.Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes

using hive;    

// Create AnalyticsAttributes
var analyticsAttributes = new AnalyticsAttributes();

// Specific properties for Airbridge
var airbridgeSpecific = new AirbridgeSpecific();
// Action
// Label
// Value

// Semantic Attribute
airbridgeSpecific.AddSemanticAttribute("type", "Warrior");
airbridgeSpecific.AddSemanticAttribute("score", 20);

// Add Airbridge Specific Attribute

// Add Custom Attribute
analyticsAttributes.AddCustomAttribute("key1", "value1");
analyticsAttributes.AddCustomAttribute("key2", "value2");

Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes("Quest Complete", analyticsAttributes);
#include "HiveAnalytics.h"

// Code addition needed

API Reference: Analytics::sendEventWithAttributes

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>    
using namespace std;    
using namespace hive;    

// Create AnalyticsAttributes
AnalyticsAttributes* analyticsAttributes = new AnalyticsAttributes();

// Specific properties for Airbridge
AirbridgeSpecific* airbridgeSpecific = new AirbridgeSpecific();

std::string semanticAction = "Tool";
std::string semanticLabel = "Hammer";
float semanticValue = 10.0f;

// Action
// Label
// Value

// Semantic Attribute
airbridgeSpecific->addSemanticAttribute("type", picojson::value("Warrior"));
airbridgeSpecific->addSemanticAttribute("score", picojson::value(20.0f));

// Add Airbridge Specific Attribute

// Add Custom Attribute
analyticsAttributes->addCustomAttribute("key1", picojson::value("value1"));
analyticsAttributes->addCustomAttribute("key2", picojson::value("value2"));

std::string eventName = "Quest Complete";

Analytics::sendEventWithAttributes(eventName, *analyticsAttributes);

API Reference: Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes

import com.hive.Analytics    

// Create AnalyticsAttributes
val analyticsAttributes = AnalyticsAttributes()

// Specific properties for Airbridge
val airbridgeSpecific = AirbridgeSpecific().apply {
    setSemanticAction("Tool")                // 동작
    setSemanticLabel("Hammer")               // 레이블
    setSemanticValue(10.0f)                  // 값
    addSemanticAttribute("type", "Warrior")  // 의미 속성
    addSemanticAttribute("score", 20.0f)     // 의미 속성

// Add Airbridge Specific Attribute

// Add Custom Attribute
analyticsAttributes.addCustomAttribute("key1", "value1")
analyticsAttributes.addCustomAttribute("key2", "value2")

Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes("Quest Complete", analyticsAttributes)

API Reference: Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes

import com.hive.Analytics;

// Create AnalyticsAttributes
AnalyticsAttributes analyticsAttributes = new AnalyticsAttributes();

// Specific properties for Airbridge
AirbridgeSpecific airbridgeSpecific = new AirbridgeSpecific();
airbridgeSpecific.setSemanticAction("Tool");                // Action
airbridgeSpecific.setSemanticLabel("Hammer");               // Label
airbridgeSpecific.setSemanticValue(10.0f);                  // Value
airbridgeSpecific.addSemanticAttribute("type", "Warrior");  // Semantic properties
airbridgeSpecific.addSemanticAttribute("score", 20.0f);     // Semantic properties

// Add Airbridge Specific Attribute

// Add Custom Attribute
analyticsAttributes.addCustomAttribute("key1", "value1");
analyticsAttributes.addCustomAttribute("key2", "value2");

Analytics.sendEventWithAttributes("Quest Complete", analyticsAttributes);

API Reference: HIVEAnalytics:sendEventWithAttributes

#import <HIVEService/HIVEService-Swift.h> 

HiveAnalyticsAttributes* analyticsAttributes = [[HiveAnalyticsAttributes alloc] init];

HiveAirbridgeSpecific* airbridgeSpecific = [[HiveAirbridgeSpecific alloc] init];
[airbridgeSpecific setSemanticAction: @"Tool"];
[airbridgeSpecific setSemanticAction: @"Hammer"];
[airbridgeSpecific setSemanticValue: 10.0f];
[airbridgeSpecific addSemanticAttribute: @"type" value: @"Warrior"];
[airbridgeSpecific addSemanticAttribute: @"score" value: @20.0f];

[analyticsAttributes addModuleSpecificAttribute: airbridgeSpecific];
[analyticsAttributes addCustomAttribute: @"key1" value: @"value1"];
[analyticsAttributes addCustomAttribute: @"key2" value: @"value2"];

[HIVEAnalytics sendEventWithAttributes: @"Quest Complete" attributes: analyticsAttributes];

API Reference: HIVEAnalytics:sendEventWithAttributes

#import HIVEService

// Create AnalyticsAttributes
let analyticsAttributes = AnalyticsAttributes()

// Specific properties for Airbridge
let airbridgeSpecific = AirbridgeSpecific()
airbridgeSpecific.addSemanticAttribute("type", value: "Warrior")
airbridgeSpecific.addSemanticAttribute("score", value: 20.0)

// Add Airbridge Specific Attribute

// Add Custom Attribute
analyticsAttributes.addCustomAttribute("key1", value: "value1")
analyticsAttributes.addCustomAttribute("key2", value: "value2")

AnalyticsInterface.sendEventWithAttributes("Quest Complete", attributes: analyticsAttributes)

Manual Event Tracking with Singular, Appsflyer, Firebase Analytics

  1. Get the required keys from each attribution dashboard. Refer to the guide from each attribution dashboard to learn how to get the keys.
  2. Configure hive_config.xml following the guide below. For more details, see the example codes below. If you use AppsFlyer attribution with Hive SDK iOS (Native, Unity, Unreal), you need to set itunseConnectAppId for Apple AppID.

            <!-- Configure for Singular -->
            <!-- The name field of the Singular node is fixed to "Singular." -->
            <!-- The name field of the event node is defined by the game studio. But once it is set, it should be the same for the name field of all other marketing attributions for the sendEvent() request.-->
            <!-- The value field of the event node is defined by the game studio. -->
            <Singular name="Singular" id="SDK_KEY" key="SDK_SECRET_KEY">
                            <event name="TutorialComplete" value="Tutorial Complete"/>
                            <event name="MissionClear" value="Mission Clear"/>
            <!-- Configure for AppsFlyer -->
            <!-- The name field of the AppsFlyer node is fixed to "AppsFlyer." -->
            <!-- Do not set the id field of the AppsFlyer node. -->
            <!-- The name field of the event node is defined by the game studio. But once it is set, it should be the same for the name field of all other marketing attributions for the sendEvent() request.-->
            <!-- The value field of the event node is defined by the game studio. -->
            <AppsFlyer name="AppsFlyer" id="unused" key="DEV_KEY" itunseConnectAppId="909923112">
                            <event name="TutorialComplete" value="Tutorial Complete"/>
                            <event name="MissionClear" value="Mission Clear"/>
            <!-- Configure for Firebase Analytics -->
            <!-- The name field of the event node is defined by the game studio. But once it is set, it should be the same for the name field of all other marketing attributions for the sendEvent() request.-->
            <!-- The value field of the event node is defined by the game studio. -->
                        <event name="TutorialComplete" value="TutorialComplete"/>
                        <event name="MissionClear" value="MissionClear"/>
  3. Call Analytics API sendEvent() to send the event. Use event name in hive_config.xml when you send an event. The name is used as a request parameter for sendEvent(), and the value you set will be updated on the dashboard of each attribution.

    • Analytics.sendEvent("TutorialComplete");
    • Analytics.sendEvent("MissionClear");

Send an Event via sendEvent()

It is recommended to send tracking event to the attribution only when user activities meet the specific conditions, such as tutorial completion. Call sendEvent() method in the Analytics class to send the tracking event. As the first parameter of sendEvent(), input the value of name property from <event> element, which is defined in hive_config.xml file.

Followings are sample codes sending TutorialComplete event to a marketing attribution to inform that a user has completed a tutorial.

API Reference: hive.Analytics.sendEvent

using hive;    
    String eventName = "TutorialComplete";    
#include "HiveAnalytics.h"

FString EventName = TEXT("TutorialComplete");

API Reference: Analytics::sendEvent

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>    
    using namespace std;    
    using namespace hive;    
    string eventName = "TutorialComplete";    

API Reference: Analytics.sendEvent

import com.hive.Analytics    
    val eventName = "TutorialComplete"    

API Reference: AnalyticsInterface .sendEvent

import HIVEService    
    let eventName = "TutorialComplete"    

API Reference: HIVEAnalytics:sendEvent

#import <HIVEService/HIVEService-Swift.h>    
    NSString eventName = @"TutorialComplete";    
[HIVEAnalytics sendEvent: eventName];

API Reference: AnalyticsInterface.sendEvent

#import HIVEService   
    let eventName = "TutorialComplete"

Applying Google Ads on-device measurement in Firebase environment

To measure on-device conversions provided by Google Ads in a Firebase environment, you need to implement the Firebase Google ODM Solution. This solution requires the email address or phone number that the user has consented to provide. During the implementation of this solution, if Firebase Authentication or a separate authentication environment introduced by the developer is implemented, the Hive SDK does not collect email addresses and only passes any email address obtained in the response after authentication directly to the Firebase API.


This guide is intended for iOS apps only. Android apps do not require a separate process for measuring on-device conversions in the Firebase environment.

Implementation method

Throughout the entire process below, you must make sure that personal information for identification must not leak from the user's device to the outside.

  1. Download the Google Firebase ODM Unity Plugin and add it to your Unity project.
  2. Implement authentication to obtain the IdP email address or phone number after logging in.
  3. Normalize the email address or phone number according to the method defined by Firebase.
  4. Implement the passing of the normalized email address/phone number to Firebase. Alternatively, implement the passing of the hashed value of the normalized email address/phone number to Firebase. Refer to the example code below.

The plugin API can be called sequentially, but subsequent calls are essentially ignored after being called once per user.

Example code

Below is example code when using the Unity plugin.

Example code using hashed values

using hive;
// Sending the hashed & normalized email address
using hive;
// Sending the hashed & normalized phone number information

Example code using plain values

using hive;
// Sending the normalized email address
using hive;
// Sending the normalized phone number information