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Individual Matchmaking

Personal matchmaking is used when a user wants to participate in a game alone.

Matchmaking operation flow in SDK

When implementing personal matchmaking with Hive SDK, the overall flow of operation is as shown in the diagram below.

Match request

Requesting matching for each user.

Before making the request, you must register the match information corresponding to matchId in the Hive console.

When requesting a match, you need to provide the score point (an integer from 0 to less than 10^10) and additional information extraData (information within 256 characters such as nickname, level, country, etc.) as arguments.


If you request a match again while a match is already in progress, the callback function will return an error value (MatchMakingResponseError) without stopping the existing match. Therefore, be sure to check the matching status first using Check Matching Status before requesting a match.

Here is an example code for a matching request.

API Reference: MatchMaking .requestMatchMaking

using hive;
        int matchId = 25;       // matchId registered in the console
        int point = 300;            // points used for the match
        string extraData = "your extraData";    // additional information to use for the match
        MatchMaking.requestMatchMaking(matchId, point, extraData, (ResultAPI result, MatchMaking.MatchMakingData data) => {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking ::requestMatchMaking

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
        using namespace std;
        using namespace hive;

        int matchId = 25;           // matchId registered in the console
        int point = 300;                // points used for the match
        string extraData = "your extraData";    // additional information to be used for the match

        MatchMaking::requestMatchMaking(matchId, point, extraData, [=](ResultAPI const & result, MatchMakingData data) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking.requestMatchMaking

import com.hive.MatchMaking
        import com.hive.ResultAPI
        val matchId = 25            // The matchId registered in the console
        val point = 300             // Points used for the match
        val extraData = "your extraData";   // Additional information to use for the match
        MatchMaking.requestMatchMaking(matchId, point, extraData, object : MatchMaking.MatchMakingDataListener {
                    override fun onMatchMakingData(result: ResultAPI, data: MatchMaking.MatchMakingDataListener) {
                            if (result.isSuccess) {
                                    // call successful
                            } else {
                                    // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking .requestMatchMaking

import com.hive.MatchMaking;
        import com.hive.ResultAPI;
        int matchId = 25;           // matchId registered in the console
        int point = 300;                // points used for the match
        String extraData = "your extraData";    // additional information to be used for the match
        MatchMaking.INSTANCE.requestMatchMaking(matchId, point, extraData, (result, data) -> {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMakingInterface.requestMatchMaking

import HIVEService
let matchId: Int = 25                   // matchId registered in the console
let point: Int = 300                        // points used for the match
let extraData: String? = "your extraData"   // additional information to use for the match
MatchMakingInterface.requestMatchMaking(matchId: matchId, point: point, extraData: extraData) { result, data in
        if result.isSuccess() {
        // call successful
        else {
        // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: HIVEMatchMaking requestMatchMaking

#import "HIVEService.h"
NSInteger matchId = 25;                     // matchId registered in the console
NSInteger point = 300;                      // points used for the match
NSString *extraData = @"your extraData";    // additional information to be used for the match

[MatchMakingInterface requestMatchMakingWithMatchId:matchId
                                         completion:^(HIVEResult *result, id data) {
    if ([result isSuccess]) {
        // call successful
    } else {
        // Call failed. See error code below

The result of calling the requestMatchMatking() and getRequestingStatus() methods returns a MatchMakingData object.

MatchMakingData object structure

An object that is returned in response to the matching request and check matching status requests. It includes the information entered during the request and the matching result information.

Field Name Description Type
requestPlayerId Player ID of the user who requested the match Long
requestGameIndex Match game index Int
requestMatchId Requested match ID (format registered in the Hive console) Int
requestStatus Match request status (requested: match requested, notRequested: not requested (or, no ongoing match that has already been matched)) String
requestTimeUtc Match request time (ex: 2025-01-02T11:13:50.96) String
requestPoint Match score Int
requestExtraData Additional information provided during the match request (exists if extraData was used during the request) String
matchingStatus Match progress status (matchingInProgress: matching in progress, timeout: no matching occurred within the time limit, matched: matching successful) String
matchingType Whether it is team participation or individual participation (exists if matchingStatus is matched) (team: team, player: individual, unknown: if matching confirmation is not available) String
matchingId ID assigned to the successful match (exists if matchingStatus is matched) (ex: 539:21_2025-01-02T11:45:55.25_1) String
matchingPlayerInfoList List of information of matched users MatchingResultPlayerInfo (exists if matchingStatus is matched, present in individual participation) Array
matchingTeamInfoList List of team information MatchingResultTeamInfo (exists if matchingStatus is matched, present in team participation) Array

MatchingResultTeamInfo object structure

This is the object that is passed when a team participates in a match and the matching status is matched. It includes the team index and information about the users belonging to the team.

Field Name Description Type
teamIndex Unique index for the team Int
playerInfos List of user information belonging to the team MatchingResultPlayerInfo Array

When requesting a personal match, both individual matches and team matches are available, and depending on the match results, the corresponding matchingPlayerInfoList or matchingTeamInfoList will be provided.

MatchingResultPlayerInfo data structure

This is the object that is sent when a user participates in a personal match and the matching status is matched. It contains information about the user who participated in the match.

Field Name Description Type
playerId The playerId of the matched user Long
point The point of the matched user Int
extraData Additional information provided by the matched user (exists if the user used extraData upon request) String

Check matching status

Checking the matching status of users participating in personal matches.

When calling the matching status check method, it returns one of the three matching statuses below.

  1. Matching in progress (matchingStatus: matchingInProgress)
  2. Matching successful (matchingStatus: matched)
  3. Timeout (matchingStatus: timeout)

This is an example code for checking the matching status.

API Reference: MatchMaking .getRequestingStatus

using hive;
        int matchId = 25;       // The matchId registered in the console
        MatchMaking.getRequestingStatus(matchId, (ResultAPI result, MatchMaking.MatchMakingData data) => {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking ::getRequestingStatus

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
        using namespace std;
        using namespace hive;

        int matchId = 25;           // Registered matchId in the console

        MatchMaking::getRequestingStatus(matchId, [=](ResultAPI const & result, MatchMakingData data) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking.getRequestingStatus

import com.hive.MatchMaking
        import com.hive.ResultAPI
        val matchId = 25            // The matchId registered in the console
        MatchMaking.getRequestingStatus(matchId, object : MatchMaking.MatchMakingDataListener {
                    override fun onMatchMakingData(result: ResultAPI, data: MatchMaking.MatchMakingDataListener) {
                            if (result.isSuccess) {
                                    // call successful
                            } else {
                                    // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking.INSTANCE .getRequestingStatus

import com.hive.MatchMaking;
        import com.hive.ResultAPI;
        int matchId = 25;           // The matchId registered in the console
        MatchMaking.INSTANCE.getRequestingStatus(matchId, (result, data) -> {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMakingInterface.getRequestingStatus

import HIVEService
let matchId = 25            // matchId registered in the console
MatchMakingInterface.getRequestingStatus(matchId: matchId) { result, data in
    if result.isSuccess() {
        // call successful
    } else {
        // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: HIVEMatchMaking getRequestingStatus

#import "HIVEService.h"
NSInteger matchId = 25;          // matchId registered in the console

[MatchMakingInterface getRequestingStatusWithMatchId:matchId
                                          completion:^(HIVEResult *result, id data) {
    if ([result isSuccess]) {
        // call successful
    } else {
        // Call failed. See error code below

Matching in progress

If the matching status is In Progress, you need to repeatedly call the method to check the matching status to see if it has reached the Matched state.

It is recommended to call the repeat call cycle at intervals of 3 to 10 seconds. Depending on the characteristics of the app's implementation, it is also possible to extend the time interval.

Matching success

If the matching status is Matched, the developer's game will be launched. In other words, users connected through the Hive SDK who are matched can participate in the developer's game.


If the matching status is a timeout (matchingStatus: timeout), you need to delete the existing match and request a match again.

Delete Matching

Deleting the existing match.

You must delete the match when it falls under one or more of the following cases.

  • If the user cancels the match
  • If the matching status is timeout (matchingStatus: timeout)
  • If the game between users is completed normally

    ※ You must request to delete the match after updating the game results (rankings, scores, win/loss status, etc.) on the game server or game client

This is an example code for deleting a match.

API Reference: MatchMaking .deleteRequesting

using hive;
        int matchId = 25;       // The matchId registered in the console
        MatchMaking.deleteRequesting(matchId, (ResultAPI result) => {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking ::deleteRequesting

#include <HIVE_SDK_Plugin/HIVE_CPP.h>
        using namespace std;
        using namespace hive;

        int matchId = 25;           // matchId registered in the console

        MatchMaking::deleteRequesting(matchId, [=](ResultAPI const & result) {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking.deleteRequesting

import com.hive.MatchMaking
        import com.hive.ResultAPI
        val matchId = 25            // The matchId registered in the console
        MatchMaking.deleteRequesting(matchId, object : MatchMaking.MatchMakingResultListener {
                    override fun onMatchMakingResult(result: ResultAPI) {
                            if (result.isSuccess) {
                                    // call successful
                            } else {
                                    // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMaking.INSTANCE .deleteRequesting

import com.hive.MatchMaking;
        import com.hive.ResultAPI;
        int matchId = 25;           // The matchId registered in the console
        MatchMaking.INSTANCE.deleteRequesting(matchId, (result) -> {
                    if (result.isSuccess()) {
                            // call successful
                    } else {
                            // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: MatchMakingInterface.deleteRequesting

import HIVEService
let matchId = 25            // matchId registered in the console
MatchMakingInterface.deleteRequesting(matchId: matchId) { result in
    if result.isSuccess() {
        // call successful
    } else {
        // Call failed. See error code below

API Reference: HIVEMatchMaking deleteRequesting

#import "HIVEService.h"
NSInteger matchId = 25;          // matchId registered in the console

[MatchMakingInterface deleteRequestingWithMatchId:matchId
                                       completion:^(HIVEResult *result, id data) {
    if ([result isSuccess]) {
        // call successful
    } else {
        // Call failed. See error code below

Error code

Error Code Message Description
NEED_INITIALIZE MatchMakingNotInitialized If the SDK Setup is not done (AuthV4.setup)
INVALID_SESSION MatchMakingNeedSignIn If AuthV4 Sign-In is not done
RESPONSE_FAIL MatchMakingResponseError - Failed due to incorrect parameters during API call
- Failed due to network issues
- Requested to match again while already in a matching request state
- Requested to delete a matching that was not requested