Other Issues

A collection of FAQs related to using other Hive products.

If you try to purchase from Google Play and see "The item that you were attempting to purchase could not be found"
  • You must have the Google Play app (the Market app) installed and Google Play Services enabled on your device.
  • The account that set up the payment method must be registered in the Market app, and the app must be launched at least once to keep the Market Terms agreement up to date.
  • The keystore file that signed the build registered in Google Console must be the same as the keystore file for the app you're testing.
  • You must be released to at least alpha in Google Console Release Management > App version.
  • The Google account registered on the device must be registered as a tester for the released version.
  • Even if the account registered to the device is enrolled as a Google Console tester, the device account still needs to opt-in via the “Test Join URL” in Google Console Release Management.
  • For more information, see the Google Developer
Setting Google Cloud API usage limits

When using the PGS login provided by Hive, a new PGS profile is created when a user checks the “Create, edit, or delete Google Play game activity” box, which will use the Google Cloud APIs.

API usage is set to 10,000 by default and will throw an error if the request is exceeded, so you'll need to apply for an increase before your game launches.

See the Google Cloud