User Post
Check posts uploaded by users and add a comment or change the status. You can also download post data to use for events.
List Page¶
- You can view posts registered by users by board and by language.
- You can select a user post from the table and move it to another board.
- You can select a user post from the table and delete it.
- When a user post is deleted, it will be moved to the deleted post view menu.
- Only posts that have been reported can be listed.
- Only posts pinned by the administrator can be listed.
- You can download up to a week's worth of post data to an Excel file, including information on the posts and their authors.
- Clicking on a post will take you to a detailed page for that post.
Detailed Page¶
- When editing a post, you can set the timezone to check the time for a specific country.
- Select either the entire board or a specific board to choose whether the post is pinned at the top.
- You can check the URL of the community page. Even if the post is deleted, it can be checked using that URL.
- This is the post title.
- You can set whether the post is public or private.
- This is the information of the author and the post.
- Post Number
- Post Path (PC/M)
- Views
- Number of Comments
- Number of Reports
- User Nickname
- User PlayerID
- User CommunityID
- This is the post content.
- This is the number of comments on the post.
- You can view only the reported comments for this post.
- You can download the comments for this post to an Excel file.
- The administrator can directly add comments to the post in the comment input box.
- This is the information of the comment/reply author.
- Information: Nickname/PlayerID/CommunityID/Date/Number of Reports/Comment or Reply Content
- The administrator can add a reply by clicking 'Reply'.
- Only up to 2 levels of comments and replies are displayed.
- You can set whether the comment is public or private.
- You can delete comments.
- Save the modifications.
- Delete the post.