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Product management

Preliminary Preparation

To sell products in the Web Shop, the following preliminary preparations must be completed.

  • PG Company Setup
  • Price Tier Setup
    • Price tier is a menu for setting payment amounts by currency in PG payments without a market. If you use PG payments, setting up the price tier is essential, so please complete the setup at Billing > Store Price Management > Price Tier
  • Market PID Registration
    • The Web Shop synchronizes the product list registered in the billing menu to manage products. To manage products in the Web Shop, it is mandatory to register the market PID in the billing menu. Please complete the setup at Billing > In-app Purchase > Market PID Registration
  • In-app Information API Integration
    • The Web Shop proceeds with matching the selling product and user information when selling products. To match this information, the game must provide an API that can inquire about the user’s server, channel, and character information upon the user’s product purchase request.For more details about the API, please refer to the In-app Information API Guide

Once all these settings are complete, please proceed with product management according to this guide.

Product Management

Register information about products to be displayed in the Web Shop.

When the Market PID is synced for the first time, Market PID, product name (EN), price (USD), last Market PID sync date, and a register button are displayed. Product names are provided only in EN, and prices are provided only in USD, based on the information registered in Billing.

Save Order

Change the table item order by dragging and dropping. After making changes, click the Save Order button to save the new table order.

Market PID Sync

Product fields must be synced with the Market PID registered in Billing. After syncing, register the detailed product information.

Initial Registration

  1. Click the Market PID Sync button.
  2. Click Confirm in the Market PID Sync popup.

If the Market PID is registered in [Billing > In-App Payment > Market PID Registration], click Confirm. Only Market PIDs set to "In Use" in Billing are synced.


  1. Click the Market PID Sync button.
  2. Click Confirm in the Market PID Sync popup.
  3. Check the changes in the Web Shop product list. Only the product name (EN) is displayed in changes.


  • If an existing product in the Web Shop is changed to "Not in Use," it will be removed from the Web Shop product list.
  • If a new product is added in Billing as "In Use," it will be added to the Web Shop product list as private.
  • If the product name or price is changed in Billing, sync the Market PID again.

If the product name or price information has changed in billing

  • If the product name or price information is changed in billing, the change information is not automatically reflected in Product Management. In this case, please click the Market PID Synchronization button to synchronize the billing information and product management information.
  • Product name and price information changed in billing are automatically reflected on the web store page, so no additional work is required.
  • When synchronizing Market PID, the ‘Market PID synchronization is complete’ pop-up appears, but is not added to the change history.

Edit Product

Click the 'Register' or 'Modify' button in the Market PID section to input detailed product information.


Selected Product

Review the selected product information from the table. Products can be edited by Market PID, and product names are provided in EN only.


Product Info

Set the visibility and detailed information of products by language. Only the tabs for supported languages configured in the site settings will be displayed.


Purchase Level Restriction

  • Enter the user levels required to purchase the product. The product can only be purchased if the user’s level falls within the specified range.
  • If either the minimum or maximum value is not entered, the missing value will be treated as "or higher" or "or lower," respectively.
  • Example: Entering a minimum value of 1 with no maximum value: The product can be purchased starting from level 1 or higher.
  • The purchase level restrictions entered in the console are not automatically displayed in the product information. If you want to display the purchasable level on the product, please enter this information manually in the additional information section.

Bulk Image Registration

You can upload the same image for all languages or register multiple images at once, differentiated by language code.

  • To apply the same image across all languages: Register a single file with any file name.
  • To apply different images for each language: Follow the file naming rules to register multiple files (File name rule: custom image name_language code).
  • Size: 1436px*1436px | File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF | Max Size: 10MB


Configure product visibility for each supported language in the web shop.

Product Name

Set product names for each supported language in the web shop.

Product Image

Set product name images for each supported language in the web shop.(Size: 1436px*1436px | File Format: JPG, PNG, GIF | Max Size: 10MB)


Assign a category to the product. If no category is selected, it will only be displayed under the 'All Items' category.

Additional Information

Use the editor to input additional information about the product.