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Manage Refunds

It's a management page to handle customer service cases on refunds. Customer Service representatives can handle the "Refund User Repurchase Exclusion" from the Manage Refunds page.

For more info on the refund user repurchase, please check here.

  1. Select the date (Registration date, Purchase date) to search by date.
  2. Select the refund status (Received, Requested, Completed) to search.
  3. Choose conditions from the table (Order no., Game title, Item name, Applicant name, Author name) to search.

Refund Management Table

Customer Service representatives can change the status of refund cases for history management and download refund case data.

Refund Details

Click on a refund case to display the edit screen, where you can modify refund information or enter additional details.

  • Category
    • Enter one of the following: one_store, cash, iOS, amazon, huawei, steam, hivestore
  • Order no.
    • Enter the market-specific order number freely
  • Purchase Date
    • Enter in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • Game Title
    • Select a game or enter freely
  • Item Name
    • Enter the item name freely
  • Nationality
    • Select from Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, Japan, or Others
  • Cost
    • Enter the cost freely
  • Refund Type
    • Choose from payment error, unused, minor, game error, lost phone, unsupported, service termination, claim, exception refund, or test
  • Refund User Repurchase Exclusion
    • Choose between "Turned on" or "Turned off"
  • Refund Types (Detail):
    • Select "Within 7 days" or "After 7 days"
  • Applicant
    • Enter name and phone number freely
  • User
    • Enter name and phone number freely
  • Others
    • Enter text freely

Change Processing Status

Check the refund case you want to change from the table, select the processing status, and make the change.

Clicking on the processing status will display the change history.

Download Refund Cases

Search for refund cases and download them as an Excel file.

Register Refund Cases

You can register refund cases for each market.

(Excel uploads are currently supported only for ONE store.)


  1. Select the market.
  2. Click the "Add" button.
  3. Check the category value for each market and enter the refund case information. Be sure to confirm the "Refund User Repurchase Exclusion."
  4. Click the "Enter Additional Info" button to input more details.
  5. Enter the additional information.
  6. Click the "Register" button.

How to Add Google Play Store Cases

For the Google Play Store, please enter the refund information from the Google Console directly into the input field.

Single Case Registration

You must enter it exactly as shown in the example. For detailed instructions, refer to the guide link below the entry field.

  • YY.MM.DD
  • AM HH:MM or PM HH:MM
  • Game Name
  • Game Description
  • Item Name
  • Order ID
  • Status
  • Total Amount

Multiple Case Registration

Separate each case with a line break and input into the entry field. You can register up to 20 cases at once. For detailed instructions, refer to the guide link below the entry field.