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Unreal Engine 4 Windows
Download Hive SDK v4 UE4 Windows 24.2.1
Release Date 2024-07-31


Development Environment

Unreal Engine 4

  • Windows 10+
  • Unreal Engine 4.27

Unsupported Features


  • The functions of the Auth class are not supported, and only some functions of Authentication v4 are supported.
  • Windows supports the following IdP logins only:
    • Membership
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • SignIn-with-apple
    • Steam
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support guest login.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support adult verification through the AuthV4 class's showAdultConfirm() method.

Membership & Social

  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows only supports the Contact Us feature for Membership & Social.


  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support review and exit pop-ups as the current market does not exist.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support the offerwall feature through getOfferwallState() and showOfferwall().
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support user acquisition through showUAShare(). However, you can configure the invitation screen through getAppInvitationData().
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support highlighting achieved event banners to display the news page using the showNews method and event number (pid). It functions as displaying the news page.


  • PG billing does not issue receipts, and items are provided directly from the Hive Server to the game server upon user payment.
  • Purchases in PG billing return ErrorCode: IAPSUCCESS = 90, Code: IAPV4HiveStoreSuccess = -6110000 via the Result API immediately after calling the purchase() method. This error indicates that there is nothing to handle separately as the item is provided directly to the server upon user purchase. For more details, please refer to PG Billing Introduction.
  • PG billing does not issue client-based receipts. For more details, please refer to PG Billing Introduction.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support Promotional IAP features.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not provide a subscription payment system.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support Lobby.


  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support the notification feature.

Data Store

  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support the data store feature.

Other Unsupported Features

  • Permission notice pop-up
  • Customization of the permission notice screen
  • Configuration class's getPermissionViewData() method
  • Configuration class's getChannel() method
  • Configuration class's setChannel(...) method
  • IAPV4 class's getAccountUuid() method
  • Configuration class's setConfigurations() method
  • Remote logging


What's New


Updated Features


  • When the number of accounts that can be registered with a single mobile phone number is exceeded, requesting the sending of an authentication code will display the error message: "You have exceeded the number of accounts that can be created with the same mobile phone number."
  • Changed to no longer request the games_lite permission to check Google Play Games information during Google login.


  • Modified to allow the use of custom domain addresses instead of or in communities following policies.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed to use the newly provided terms URL data from the Hive Server instead of the previously saved data when re-viewing terms and conditions.


  • Fixed an issue where clicking "Return to Previous Page" on the error popup in the mobile phone verification screen for device management services did not return to the previous screen.
  • Fixed an issue where manipulating the mouse wheel would enter values in the verification code input field on the mobile phone verification screen for device management services when the input field was active.
  • Resolved an issue where Hive SDK callbacks could not be delivered when calling AuthV4.Helper.switchAccount, AuthV4.Helper.resolveConflict within nested callbacks.
  • Fixed an issue where PlayerInfo Unity Plugin parameters could not be passed in AuthV4.Helper.switchAccount, AuthV4.Helper.resolveConflict.


  • Fixed a crash issue when moving to Frame in Promotion Custom Direct Fullscreen.

Developer Guide Changes