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This page guides the Hive SDK authentication configuration common for all development engines.

Hive console setup

To use Hive SDK authentication, you must first configure settings for IdP by AppID in the Hive console App Center.


For more details, please refer to Authentication v4 IdP Setup.

hive_config.xml configuration

Add authentication settings to the hive_config.xml file based on the IdP you want to use.


For more details about hive_config.xml configuration, please refer to this.

Item Description
providers Specifies the attribute values for third-party libraries.
facebook This element belongs to the providers element and defines the Facebook-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4. When using Facebook SDK, if additional permissions are needed beyond the default email permission (access to Facebook account email address) and public_profile permission (access to Facebook public profile) set by the Hive SDK, you need to request the corresponding permissions from the Facebook console and add them as elements in hive_config.xml. To implement Facebook login when using Hive SDK v4 Unity Windows, you need to add the `id` attribute within this element and enter the app ID as the attribute value. The app ID can be found in the Meta app dashboard after creating the app.
google This element belongs to the providers element and adds the Google-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4. To implement Google login on desktops, you need to add the `clientId` attribute within this element and enter the Client ID issued from the Google Cloud Console as the attribute value. To implement Google login on Steam Deck (Hive SDK v4 Unity Windows 22.0.0 or later), you need to add the `deviceFlowClientId` attribute within this element and enter the Client ID issued from the Google Cloud Console as the attribute value.
wechat This element belongs to the providers element and adds the WeChat-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4.
qq This element belongs to the providers element and adds the QQ-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4.
vk This element belongs to the providers element and adds the VK-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4.
line This element belongs to the providers element and adds the LINE-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4.
weverse This element belongs to the providers element and adds the Weverse-related settings used for authentication with authentication v4.
signinwithapple This element belongs to the providers element and adds the Sign-in-with-Apple related settings used for authentication with authentication v4. (Used when logging in with an Apple account on Android and Windows.) (+4.15.6) To implement Sign-in-with-Apple login on Android and Windows, you need to add the `serviceid` attribute within this element and enter the Services ID issued from the Apple developer center as the attribute value.
        <!-- The Facebook code below is an example of setting permissions for cases when additional permissions (such as user_friends, user_gender) are needed beyond the email permission and public_profile permission that are automatically set by the Hive SDK. -->
        <!-- When actually using hive_config.xml, only the permissions needed by the game company should be inserted as <permission> elements. -->
        <facebook id="1809615065921877">
                <permission name="user_friends" />
                <permission name="user_gender" />

        <google playAppId="123456789012"  clientId=""  serverClientId=""  reversedClientId="com.googleusercontent.apps.123456789012-abc"  deviceFlowClientId="" />
        <googleplaygames playAppId="123456789012"  clientId=""  serverClientId=""  reversedClientId="com.googleusercontent.apps.123456789012-abc" />
        <qq id="1234567890" />
        <vk id="1234567" />      
        <wechat id="wx12345cf6c789c0f1" secret="abcdefg"  univeralLink=""/>
        <line channelId="1234567890" />
        <weverse clientId="abcdefg" />
        <!-- (Android Only) Set the service id set in the Apple developer account as serviceid -->
        <signinwithapple serviceid="com.sample.your" />